Nightmane-Chapter 1

#1 of nightmane chapter 1: i sat at the diner booth leaning against the window. i sipped my coffee, the diner was silent except for the few faceless voices whispering at the counter.

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Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 4: Liberation

Hesh: do you know of a fox that works the diner on the east side of town? \*kibou scratches his head fumbling as he stands\* kibou: ...hesh there are no foxes that work in that diner only glade and his crew.

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Aboard the 18-wheeler

Don chuckled, casting his eyes around the diner. fun or no, better to be safe, than sorry in a place like this... finishing the burgers, the duo slipped from the diner, to enjoy the cooler evening air again.

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Walk With You – Food for Soul

He appeared to mind his own business, as the door opened and john the lion stepped into the diner.

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Into the Darkness

After following the person for several minutes, they arrived in a small trailer park behind the diner. the suspect looked around, then took the hood off, revealing her to be the waitress from the diner. "what the!?" kiro exclaimed.

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Restaurant Toonover

The diner didn't say anything as he stood and slowly walked out of the diner. basil watched him go, then turned her attention to the checkbook. there were a few bills inside, but one caught basil's attention.

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The Balloon Fraternity - The Hunt - Ch. 3

Cliff was walking towards the diner, almost forgetting that he was to meet up with matt due to the fact he ended up sleeping till a quarter till 2. as he just got to the diner, he heard a noise coming from across the street. "matt?

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Addiscend: Revealed Truths Part 2

After a brief sigh, the young coyote complied with the older man's offer, and asked what the name of the diner was and what time they should meet. "the name of the diner is la aliment et doux.

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New In Town

He left the diner and bolted down the road, thinking of nothing but home.

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New Horse In Town

"so, does clay still visit the diner here in town?"

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Corny Moments

Some time later, when the cup was only half full, the wolf on the counter stood up, paid his coffee and left the diner. now it was just the lion and me alone in that diner, at his late hour.

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Morning Coffee - SHORT STORY

It was only a five minute walk from her place but every day she would make the journey to a small little place called lucky's diner.

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