Chapter 6: A Downward Turn

How could someone disown both of their children?" paul shrugged. "i don't know. we'll just have to find out." he sighed deeply. "shit, this is gonna be hard..."

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Blank Verse Essay on Intentionality in Queer Fiction

Behold my history, all dour disowned. behold my heart, by sword of sorrow pierced. this is my body, old before its time. this is my blood, which i cannot donate.

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A short story ... number 2

You disowned me." his voice dripping venom with every word, he lowers his head to keep his gaze on the small golden hued avatar. "you tossed me out of limbo, cursed me with immortality, and then, on top of all this.


Betrayed by My Own

I am disowned and nothing more than an outsider now. i thought i was fortunate but i like many others have been thrown aside for the way i now i scream my words so loud that the earth itself will speak like a megaphone.

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"my family disowned me when i came out as gay, and started looking for an anthro boyfriend. i don't have a boyfriend, so...that department of my life is open." jordan blushed at what he insinuated.

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Entry 15

Now, we started thinking about this when aaron brought it up, how he's gay and has been out of the closet now for about a year; aid his dad freaked the fuck out about it and disowned him too.

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Change of Heart Ch.1

I've considered dropping out but my mom would disown me for it, i can't stand going to these normal schools anymore, but ever since dad died two years ago we couldn't afford to go to the special schools. pity, i actually made a couple friends there.


Love At Current Sight Part 3

Only, what if my parents do disown me, and what do i do if the worst does come? i mean, my father is capable of hurting me... but that was a long time ago. i mean, he won't bring back his old ways.

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Ian: Character Info.(My life as a furry)

Soccer** ** ** **talents/skills/powers: being a good friend, soccer player, computer art** ** ** ** ** **most important childhood events that still affects him/her: the time when ray cut his back with a switch blade and when his father disowned

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School Dayz (oneshot)

My parents disowned me after finding out a dirty little secret , off topic again. when the bus pulled up, as expected, i got on and was tripped by blade and pushed into his friends fang, a wolf, and kitten, a cat (how original) were sitting.

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A gift to remember

The last thing he would want is for someone to find out the rich kid had slummed it with some dirty hooker, his father might disown him for risking the family name for such a thing.

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From The Ashes: Part 10- The Trip Home

The same family that disowned him and cast him to the winds when he said how he truly felt.

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