There and Back Again

The boy had already positioned himself behind a sand dune, peaking around the corner to survey the soon-to-be battlefield. "you fucker..." he said, sliding up next to beck. "i saw four. probably just lightly armed.

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Elsweyr, o my elsweyr my heart lingers on thee where dusty worlds of anequina lay my elsweyr merchants proud and sand softly sings o'er the dunes of my elsweyr

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Stories from the Outback. Chapter 1.

Bones littered the reddy-beige sand dunes. most of the bones were scattered near dried-up water holes. at day, the simpson desert was as hot as a furnace, but at night, it'd be like sleeping in the nude, in antarctic areas.

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Another day another God

Seth was thrown down a sand dune. when he landed he saw a huge snake. seth said hello apep. hello seth defeated again i see. go back from which you came seth said. i can get what you want. what is that seth said.

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Dragon’s Path: Journey Through the Desert

The thing looked like a dune from afar, only that this dune had all manner of weird protrusions that immediately gave it away. and that was only the top. vrelgor wondered how much of this settlement was buried beneath his paws.

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Skye's Legacy / Chapter 2

Every dune was bigger than the last, the wind climbing over the dune would occasionally whistle and howl at us. mocking us, as running up loose sand turned us to a snail's pace.

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The Portal Games: The Third Arena

The sand flowed upwards, soon formed into a table that darkened and solidified into a better representation of the dunes and desert.

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Kito's Story - Chapter One

A huge dune of sand semi encircled the village and less then half mile behind the cheetah tents was the oasis.

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Morpheus Chronicles: 0 (rough)

Standing on the dune he felt a low rumble that soon turned into a quake that shook the sand causing the dune to collapse into the indent between the other dunes.

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Decisions and Sacrfice Open

Throttle the tan and more looked as leader of the martian trio replied stopping his bike a few feet from the dune buggy goons. "hey ya boys!" modo snarled the last member, strongest and biggest of them all waved his metal right arm.

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Empire of Sand

One of the greatest empire's in the world rises up from the sandy dunes of the great desert. it gleams like the finest gold but underneath it lies the strength of diamonds.

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Cole crouched at the top of the shimmering white dune and peered over the crest. the cruel twin suns struck his eyes as they peered from the shade, forcing them to hide behind their lids.

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