John's Catch

Breaking the surface of the water, pike took the weak creature in his fins and squeezed him so any water could be gushed out. "come on, breathe!" said pike determined.

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Hate to Sea It (vore story)

His flippers glided along her birth canal to drag his dorsal fin inside, while his tapered dick leaked precum that mixed into the salt water, much like the vaginal lubricants escaping mara's folds.

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Sunken Treasure

Poop brown with a pale pink for an underbelly and muddied red fins that didn't look much good for swimming. its tail fins were the same murky brown color but, unlike the rounded red fins, the three teardrops were torn ragged.

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I Wanna Be The Best

It was a fin- bit dragalge thrived by disguising themselves as drifting kelp, so it was also meant to look somewhat plant like. the muscles that used to control individual toes now controlled a strip of the fin, allowing her to curl or wiggle it.

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Boy Meets Gill(s) - (Illustrated by DMA, Angel27 and WhiteMantis)

A really really nice one," finished elsa, reaching out to slide her paw's claws along the shark's tender belly, between the pulsing pelvic fins at his 'crotch' and down to his lower ventral fin.. or anal fin, right before the beginning of his tail.

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Shimmering Water, Darkening Sky: Trouble in the Blue

She thanked him and started stimulating herself on his giant fin. both liotta and kycxx enjoyed this. kycxx enjoyed it because it felt like a massage on his dorsal fin, kneading out rough spots.

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Bubble Entendre Part Two (F)

Shorter and less colorful fins for females, that's usually how they tell the difference." "generally true," syreen said, slowly shaking their head as if showing off those fins. they did seem shorter, the yellow-gold a little more muted.

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The Rise of Serpens: Reptile at Heart Zoo

"i see my mate's fin." he told serpens. "it's not as beautiful as yours alan, yours is blue." jessica interjected. alan suddenly felt his head. sure enough, there was a scaly fin twice the size of jessica's starting just above his eyes.


Swim Team Blues

I started to say, rubbing the sides of his dorsal fin tenderly. i could feel my own growing in behind me, little more than a bumpy patch of skin for now. "nice fin." "hey!"

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A Day Trip (pt 3)

The lynx's jaws suddenly dropped down, tongue lolling out, as the long dorsal fin, still abrading her mound, now reached her g-spot.

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A Swimming Sales Pitch

"but how about this, you buy the gloves and fins now and take them out for a test spin.

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Bargains With Monsters

A large dorsal fin was erect along his back with two side fins spreading open so he looked larger.

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