Coach Pike
Coach pike's knot wasn't fully inflated yet, and it was shoved forward hard, popping inside audibly and making the donkey let out a soft cry of alarm. coach pike's eyes closed and he reveled in the tightness of donkey's passage clamping down on him.
John's Catch
John hugged pike's snout pike sneezed and john flew backwards, but pike had him gripped safely so he didn't fall out oh... great... now i'm covered in... pike wrinkled his nose and recovered.
Prologue: The First of Many
It was about chest height on pike, which made it frustratingly high above the draken's head. there was obviously someone behind it, since pike was talking to him. "hi, i'm dr. pike."
Book I: The Humble Beginning
"so, pike, you made these... these..." she said, struggling for a word. "machines?" the human, pike, added helpfully. "that's what they are called? okay.
Pride Chapter 3
#3 of pride pike see's his plans reach fruition...
Sack Lunch
"gotta say, though, i'm still hungry," pike rumbled.
Abyssus Abbey Chapter 11: A Whisper
He began to rock gently into pike, and as he did so, his tail curled around and found pike's neck, coiling around it once, twice, like a collar, his spaded tip discovering pike's parted teeth and pushing between them.
Pride Chapter 2
#2 of pride pike moves forward with his plans for revenge...
Strange how that wasn't the case with pike, but then again, pike had been making him feel nothing but good so far.
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 2
A voice mysteriously appears beside me and i am startled to see that it is pike. behind pike is a group of built men, my guess sports players.
Abyssus Abbey Chapter 5: In Tongues
pike peered at tuco, his eyes narrowing.
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 5
Clearly there is something going on between pike and victoria, her forceful stare having now shifted to pike.