Fox, Wolf, and a Memory

Trixey asked, coming up close beside kent. "i don't know, trixey," kent replied, "maybe he's sick." kent and trixey heard grass crunching underpaw and glanced behind them, greeted by the sight of the four wolves that accompanied them.

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A Lonely World

kent smiled at her then he pushed her down and got on top of her and not giving her time to say anything kent started to lick her swollen pussy. trixey let out a moaning giggle at what kent was doing.

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A Visit From Dad (Commish for jigm2012)

Even so, her mother was questioning, lightly tugging on kent's arm. "kent, we need to talk...." she began, his eyes shifting and swinging around to look into her own.

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Chapter 7 - Return of Bakujirou

When he finished charging, he dropped himself towards baku and kent...


Christmas special: Part 1: The break

Me: "0.o" kent: "yeah, i know right. that gives me an idea. if you're so curious, why don't we meet up after school and try it." adam: "uhh." kent: "well?"

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Away from Home

In front of me i saw kent messing with his phone. i took a deep breath. _i guess he's the first place to start. he usually tries talking to me everyday._ i approached him, "hey kent." "huh," kent turned to me with a dazed look on his face.

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 13

I heard kent say, from the hallway, probably with a wink to the nurse, who was staring after him as she re-entered.

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The Pig-sty (Chapter 1)

Rick chuckled as he let go of kent's neck. 'now you made a mess and i'm just about to train the new hire...' 'i'm sorry sir let me clean it up sir' kent stammered upset that he might have disappointed his alpha.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 21 - The Opening Volley

kent looked over his shoulder as conrad continued to speak. "let's give him what he wants." === "therefore," conrad bellowed, raising his sword and aiming its point at kent's house.

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 11

kent proclaimed. i bowed my head a bit, thinking it over. "well, you still could've just told me that." i muttered. "they say ignorance is bliss." kent shrugged, looking at me apoligetically. "no." dr.

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The Slide of Trust

Without warning, slider punched kent in the right side jaw. "bonk." without a sound, kent toppled to the ground with a bit of blood oozing from his mouth.

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Chapter 4: Blue Skies, Black Tails, White Fur (Short Chapter)

kent murred as he moved the husky onto his lapping, rubbing his head as he layed him down. kyle looked up at kent and gazed into his eyes as kent gazed back. both of their eyes were filled with lust and love.

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