The Ritual

As that you would hear in church_ _but gods, this is no church, all dressed_ _in black with clawlike spires grasping the sky_ _and it is of stone - cold, unfeeling stone -_ _such as that to which i feel bound in my heart_ _i enter the grandest, most macabre

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Ardring - Chapter 2

It should have been morning, but the dark red sky made it seem like some macabre sunset. but that wasn't what craig pointed at. in the sky was a small flicker of light that plummeted to the earth.

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OutFoxxed!! - Part 2

Nether did the sculptures of hitler, nero, or the others carved into the mountainside offered their suggestions, as the fox stared at the macabre version of mount rushmore in disbelief "were on earth i'm i?"

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A cure for the Blues

The image of blue on the screen seemed to have more skill that lara did it seemed, not having done anything of the sort herself, it was rather macabre to see what was happening on the screen.

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The Real Confessions of A Werewolf

For a couple hours a day, six days a week it's just me, my microphone, and old tales of the macabre, or sometimes things that i made up. tales that can be cheesy or chilling, or both at the same time.

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She apologized as she tried not to chuckle at her macabre reference. she genuinely found it funny, but her visitor might not have found it in good taste. he sat quietly for a moment, yet.

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Stripped of Rank (GIFT)

#2 of gifts my contribution to charn's 2010 macabre masquerade event. i had been tasked with writing a story for commander using his set guidelines. this is the rather dark result.

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"which basically means i need to confiscate that macabre scepter of his." fenryx says in a boldly matter of fact manner. "i may not always appreciate these nasty islands of greed and villainy but it's home and i'm rather fond of it.

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The Hiring

Nobregas felt rooted in place, unable to look away, to escape the paralyzing gaze and the macabre spectacle of the hyena slowly being pushed into the wide open maw.

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The Creed: Stand and Feel Your Worth

Seeing no one there, he looked in the bathroom to meet with a macabre sight. alice's nude form lie prone in a small pool of blood, a phone in her hand.

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Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 3

Ruston turned around and saw a macabre sight indeed. hundreds of miners, alive or dead, stuck to the walls. skeletons were strewn all over the walls as well, making ruston and ferrintino grimace even more.

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Cathedral Of Destiny

Too late, even as i stood at the end of a cliff within a giant ritualistic chamber with macabre decoration, the queen's personal court jester slams hard against me, tackling me down to the ground, a scroll rolling slowly away from my frantic scrabbling claw

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