Love between canines

Cody went into the bar and ordered a martini mostly want to get his mind off his father's death. cody having a good amount of money bought ten martinis until a german shepered put a paw on his shoulder.

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Small Savior Ch.1 A dream job

Sonders smiled and took a sip of his martini and nibbled on the lime before speaking again. "i'd say your a virgin still. we can fix that easy though," he said with a shrug.

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Deja Vu

Brian made himself a martini and sat down on the couch. he watched everyone dancing. his eyes fell on jasper. everything was going in slow motion. jasper's swaying hips, pumping fists, hair whipping, were all slowed.

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Legend High Chapter 16

The day you're prettier than me-," mary took a drink from her martini,"-is the day i'm dead and rotting." cheryl's eyes glinted a second before she replied, "that can be arranged..."

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The Toymaster

Caroline almost snorted martini up her nose. "nah, best to politely thank them for their time, say you forgot you left a casserole in the oven, and back out at a reasonable pace.

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A New Season - Chapter 2

Dirty martini with absolute pepper and bleu cheese olives." "sounds like a winner."

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Cheat Night

Looks like you'll just be fucking yourself" \*\*\* another bar, another martini. jasna glanced at the clock. it was getting late. why were all the guys morons?

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Avery and the Lesbos

He took a seat at the bar and ordered a martini to keep his tongue wet.

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Business Manager in a Barn Chapter 07

I found out a few years ago that i make better deals when i sip my fancy martini all evening rather than downing one after another. keeps the headache in check and pays off in more than one ways.

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The Society, CH 29

Zee finished his martini. "well, i will call you when i have the results. now, i'm going to be ordering another drink, will any of you be wanting something?"

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Raptor Den: Chapter 2

Pratfalling backwards the martini glasses span up into the air, flames swirling out of them.

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An Unexpected Guest (Commission)

Wordlessly she circled around to his front and fell to her knees, after placing her martini on the nearby counter.

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