A Change of Heart

He leapt to the side, rolling onto his shoulder and coming up in a sprint as mighty mammaries' laughter rang in his ears. mighty mammaries - one of the most famous heroes, but not one of the most powerful.

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In to the Dragons Den...

But then suddenly the second cord was severed and his mighty ball's fell away. "ieieeee..." he screamed as his nearly blind eye's widened, and the whole of his mighty body went limp.

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Gates of Osmium Iridium

mighty thrones carved from stone lie waiting with eternal patience for their ruler to arrive from his rest. mighty statues guard hallways and libraries that would take several lifetimes to explore to their end.

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The Lizard King: Advisor

His advisor stroked his mighty cock, running his reptilian tongue along the shaft. he then took the kings mighty balls in his mouth, one at a time, and sucked on them while still stroking the cock. the lizard king sighed.

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The mightiest of all creatures

Each of this noble spirits manifested in a mighty being. the first to born was the mighty manticore. she brought darkness upon the world and with it the peace and silence of the night.

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Meet the Curator (Patreon)

Except, the mighty hare didn't have a hundred thousand dollars. hell, the mighty hare had _nothing._ zed had maybe thirty until the next stipend came in from the city, and even that would only give him fifteen-hundred for the next two weeks.

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The Adventures of El Macho Chapter 1: El Macho Vs. The Wizard

Now there's a mighty weapon you have there." el macho body instinctively bucked from the wizard's touch on his cumbersome cudgel.

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Superhero Story: Bet Your Body

The badger's current pair were pretty large, though she'd seen the mighty morphess have even bigger pairs.

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Trevor's Trials: Addendum - Twin Motivation

#4 of trevor's trials "team basil" or "team mighty mouse", which will you choose? this is a short, largely pwp side-story to the ongoing "trevor's trials" series featuring the supporting cast.

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Bath House memories...

The mighty equine moaned through his long slotted nostrils, bucking up and down harder and faster as his long cock surges.

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Why We Have But One Sun

The hunter raised his mighty bow and took aim. "but," cried the princess, her voice filled with tears. "if you destroy the last sun, how will i ever see you?" the hunter lowered his bow and dropped it to his feet where it grew into a mighty tree.
