Necessary Monster

Whatever it was, he twisted hard and tore it free, and the seven foot tall, three hundred pound monster collapsed bonelessly atop him. killed by a greater monster.

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Saved by a Monster

The monsters of the shadows were unrecognizable piles of flesh, and clumps of meat, and blood spread out from where we stood like a blast radius.

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The Monster Within

No one wants to say it, but we're all monsters. we're raised to be monsters, our system is destined to turn us into monsters. all we need is a reason. an excuse to justify showing our fangs." randal ran through the large house, checking room after room.

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The Human Species Ch. 51 - Raging Monster Hunter

Imagining what it would be like to walk around one day before getting blown to bits by a random monster, lucario scoffed as he realized that it was not so far off from what he had been forced to experience ever since turning into a pokémon.

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The Human Species Ch. 50 - Wild Monster Hunter

For a moment the scene reminded lucario a lot of his own childhood, when he and his friends would grab whatever sharp utensils they could find before running into the woods to hunt trolls and monsters.

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The Hunters Gather - 1

It burst through in front of ari, my mate so startled he jumped back and landed on his haunches before the monster.

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The ambush

Originally thought of as just a myth or a cryptid or a myth, this creature is an ambush predator that pretends to be a corpse or roadkill in order to catch its prey by surprise and swallow it whole. They are opputunistic feeders that can sustain...


Put Me in the Trash

The monster opened its maw wide, and clyde's face was lowered toward its gaping mouth. his mind buzzed with panic, arguing with itself. cardboard couldn't hurt him, could it? it couldn't eat him like some angry predator.


Sully X Randy

Sully was screwed. He was boned, stuffed. "Fucked" He yelled out into his cramped room in the Oozma Kapa fraternity. "How the fuck am I going to study for this test? Mike and all the guys are at the Boggle tournament. I've got no chance...

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