
The headmaster had a pentagram etched into wood on the tabletop, three pitch black runewax candes lit and was sitting with his outstretched hand over the wood, the pentagram and candles glowed lightly in the dark of the night.

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new guardians part one

Then dante pulls out a crystal filled with black energy, as the crystal reaches the center of the pentagram dante stands next to it placing his hand over it yelling "sesgalose", sending it's power into the pentagram crating seal and runic rings around it,


The Seeker, Chapter 1

It tried to break the pentagram, and i had scrunched up my face in pain at the noise as it tested the force field or whatever it was that kept it in the pentagram.

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The Seeker, Chapter 17

I watched as she crouched in the pentagram, and then winked out of existence, at least here.

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The Seeker, Chapter 3

Now get on that pentagram, we've wasted enough time." so i hopped up on the pentagram and she told the operator to activate it. i did not like the look on his face when he did.

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Inferno High - Chapter 7

You have pentagrams on your face?" "actually, they're all over my body, but they're natural. i'm not a satanist, just athiest." [me] "oh... they look like they glow." "they do." [alex] "cool."

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A Simple Love Story - With Not so Simple Help

In front of her, a black pentagram is drawn, the candle resting at the farthest point from where she sits; an old dusty book resting in front of her.

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Getting Even Can be Fun, Chapter 1

And to release her before the pentagram closes!" "but of course! vork said, i know the rules.

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The reluctant demon Pt1

He fidgeted in the pentagram "you have to dismiss me, yes?" "oh! yes! sorry!" she closed the connection, flustered.

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Deus Ex Inferni I: In the Beginning

He had been lying in the middle of what looked like a pentagram carved deeply into the rock. the lines of the pentagram were filled with blood, green fire burning over the top of it.

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What you wish for

The figure didn't waste time and opened the book bound in goatskin, reading the words out loud, staring at the pentagram.

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Inferno High - Chapter 9

Those pentagrams don't cover up your blushing, seth." [zane] "well... so what! that means that any of you could go out with me, then, so that's good for you guys, any ways!" they all seemed a little startled by my sudden out burst.

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