Gina's Job, part 3 draft

Gina took note of the poodle's notes on classical music, flowers, and

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The New Bedroom- A Gray Muzzle story

She was a statuesque poodle hybrid, with a huge shock of flaming red hair. she lived at peteena house, a home for poodle hybrids that was set up in an old mansion back when her kind were banned as pets, and received the rights of human beings.

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Double Commission For Tannim and Grey Muzzle

The horse was still standing in the same spot tied to the tree, but now there was an anthro poodle lying with it in the shade. the poodle's features were slightly more human than animal, but she was still stunningly beautiful.

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Best in Show (Poodle Drag Queen TF)

The poodle giggled and fluttered her mascara'd eyelids. "i know i'm gorgeous!" the rabbit clicked the shears off, he dusted the poodle off and gave her a gentle peck on the cheek. "you're doing great, tony." the poodle just scoffed at pacer.

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A Day to Reminisce

Star lets out a tiny chuckle as he lets the poodle have his way with him, laying gently on his furry body and kissing him back with equal vigor.

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Patreon Reward - Picture Perfect Pet

He was going to make jamie feel all the love he had for the poodle, one inch at a time.

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Training a Naughty Puppy: Part 1

Tabitha's poodle for the weekend, he has no idea what he's in for! plushiness, hypnosis, and stuffing galore! "god dammit, prissy!" aubrey shouted at the little poodle as she knelt down to pick up the chewed pillow.

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The Reporter's Roulette - Part Two

He was all ready to go ahead with the poodle's plan, his instructions explicitly laid out for him.

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The Joys of Child-Bearing

" husband is a poodle," she said, warily. "oh, really? that's strange. see here, here, here, and here. their ears...they are pointing up...not down like a poodle or retriever."

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No Dogs - ROAR 9

She'd never ridden in a car with a poodle before, and she still felt mistrustful of the poodle because of her actions at work, but taissa's whining got the better of her.

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