The Real World part 2( Used to be human in lion king world)

Just before she pounced the zebra heard her so nala sprinted of running. nala chased roaring running right behind the zebra; she pounced. trying to snap its legs but the zebra tried to kick nala's head in.

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Do gain a lose your heart part 5

She immediately opened her eyes as she felt his weight on the bed, and pounced on him. "step one: lay your trap. step two: wait fro your prey. step three: pounce!" she said triumphantly. "so i'm prey now?"

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Golden Opportunity

Just as he reached her and was about to pounce he saw tod come out of his hiding spot and start to run toward the safety. quickly lot pounced on his sister and started running as fast as he could after tod.

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The Lion King Revisited - Chapter 1: Intro

Before her father was even done talking kiara had already made a second pounce on her dad, landing on his soft mane. simba shook her of him and started poking her with his paw.

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Passing Of Time - chapter 2

Then pouncing her best friend she runs ahead letting him chase her they play in the new field.

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Falling for a lioness part 19 and 20

._ " _rawr " yelled a tiny female cub who tried to pounce zira from the side of her._ _zira chucked letting her pounce her licking her cub on the head grooming her fur who giggled in response._ " _good going vitani" zira said proudly to her cub who purred

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Monster I Have Become: Ch. 7

No pouncing on me! we aren't children, flame!!" she yelled at me before i could act. 'who says i do it out of childish play?' i thought to myself.

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Waking Instinct Part 2

Skitch kept pulling closer, concentration completely locked on the figure, and prepared for the pounce.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Three

While the mythic recovered, she pounced on it and sank her teeth into its shoulder. it didn't scream or even bat its black and red eyes.

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Sunlight Tiger's Battle

That tiger crouched down with stripes ablaze with colour prepares to pounce the day into action.


Fur Food Furs Thanksgiving Special

Kraz squeeked as he was practically pounced by everyone there.

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