Snow Daze part 3
And's not a queer thing." alex snorted. "i wasn't going to ask if it was queer? sheesh foxy, you got queer brains." foxdayle stood up. "come on alex.
Working Things Out: Part II
That queer. that fat queer wasn't even batting an eye. he just sat there in his cheap suit as he made notes on his little clip anger, no surprise in his fat fucking face... "mister mulligan. finn.
Two Friends
_ cory behaved queerly today. hehe, queerly, he thought, perhaps he's going to come out to me. the hawk smiled at his own unwit, even though it was obvious. not only cory's subtle actions gave it away, but also his web-history.
How it Pans Out
"we could have like a little un setup with little flags from every corner of the queer space. trans, ace, pan! that could really be cute."
High School Days Ch 27: Whose Afraid of a Little White Rabbit?
"yah," one of his brothers said, "it's like a jesus fish or something, but the queers stole it."
Turning the tables Version 3
The little queer was always the last to leave, that would play right into his plan. for he'd need to be alone with anton to persuade the little cock sucker to come with him to a more private place.
Finding Jack
queer? don't be afraid to say it. i am sure your dumb jock boyfriend won't when he comes to kick my ass." i said in my catty nonchalant manner. "um... i know that, but i heard you're like really smart.
The Vessel ch. 4
While your down there you could always suck my cock you queer bitch!" jeff ordered out half-heartedly.
The Blessing and The Curse - Part 14
"don't tell me your friend's a queer." i could feel my blood start to boil. that was my dad's favorite word when referring to people like gregory - and me. the connotation was obvious - queer. odd. strange. deviant. disgusting.
A Strangers Request: Chapter 3: Drill Days
Carolina only makes mares and queers. and i don't see a vag on you yet!" allen tried to bite it back, but before he could managed his temper he replied sharply, "takes a queer to know one, sir!"
The Unlikely Friendship
"look at the queer, can't even take a few blows." this was an exaggeration. it was more tham a few blows.
Pokémon Journey (pt 1)
He's queer though, so watch yourself if you don't want to be fucked by him." "he's queer?" jack said. "i don't care. give me the pokéball." in actuality, jack was queer too, so it would turn out well for him.