Stories of Skye: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Skye was never born. He simply appeared. It was a mile within The Great Forest, in a clearing where the canopy's leaves made stars of the sunlight and seem to turn the very air to gold. The ground was an open field, a quilt of flowers and...

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Upside Chapter One: 10 Pieces Of Silver?

"i'm akio shiloh....shiloh...." the boy gave levin an innocent smile despite the position he was in. "you might want to remember, for i will not be a slave for long."

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 23.

After all, i'm close with the executives since they all like shiloh, so i have the upper hand without having to fight. just try and step foot into that bar.

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The Anthro Plans

shiloh could tell that she was lying out of her teeth though, "tell me what's really going on, right now!"

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 31

"shiloh's on the hunt as we speak. i know i'm the one who's supposed to be looking, but shiloh insists i don't do this alone." "be careful, you two." crevecoeur turns and heads back to the conference room.

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Come What Might Part 2

shiloh felt his body grow more muscular, his mind receding as the animal lust that dominated him took over. he was being turned into a brute.

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The Young Fox

Is the death of his mother the young fox's fault? And does it even matter? Is she somewhere now, watching her son cower from the fury of thundering clouds? And does she know he risks the lightning to sleep where the hunters had killed her? Why does the...

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A Walk in the Doggo Park 2 - Subspecies

The shiloh shepherd didn't have room to aid the others, her question seeming adorably confused, almost ditsy as she held a finger to her lips. "what can i do, captain?"

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Chapter 9: Worldwide

I hated getting shiloh fur in my food when i was still human. after supper, all of us decided to sit down to watch some tv.

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Winter and Pamila

shiloh's nice to me because his mate is nice to me. st. croix is...nice to pretty much everyone. everyone else ignores me, until the chief and the rest of the bosses are gone. then they make fun of me.

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Expedition: Once More

"shiloh, this is wolfpack actual. shiloh, this is wolfpack actual over." "dude, it's facundo." came the prompt reply. "could you hold on a minute, general? i'm sort of busy wiping the floor with the entire fucking garrison of this ship.

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