Sky Dogs

Laughing lightly to myself, i turned to the sky. wisps of white stood out against an endless field of sapphire.

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Sky Diving...

Short story poetry sky diving...

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Stormy sky

Enjoy it guys, you're the best^^ i sit alone and again i sigh looking out of the window at the storm and rain lightening flashes in the sky thunder rumbles like a train the cars below hiss by my window as i sit here wondering where did you go

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Clear Skies

For the first time in years, the sky had opened up to reveal the beautiful powder blue that she had longed so much to see, and as she looked from the sky to nate's eyes, she knew there would be better days to come, and no more gray skies.

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Look to The Skies

**look to the skies** the men that had carted the heavy artillery across the field wore drab olive green uniforms and chiseled, stony faces.

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Nightmares in the Sky

Nightmares in the sky jason tossed a pebble into a puddle on the sidewalk, watching the water ripple out from the centre. the ground was still wet from a rainshower, though it had blown over quickly and the skies had turned blue again.

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Gray Skies

Her eyes drifted up to the sky, but all she could see was a gray blanket on top of the white one. nate let a soft sigh slip from his lips, and he tightened his hold around her small waist.

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Sea and Sky

Like a sleek orca of the sky, caressing the sky with your wings. you would be lovely in the water as well if only you would come and try it." "ah.." owan flipped his wings a little as he lifted a few feet higher.

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Of Deserts and Skies

Into the skies he so feared to gaze, to the source of the storm. to rise above it all, see the sun, the source of all light. feel the warmth with his bare skin, see the truth of it all. the truth of thunderstorms and sunny skies.

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Dining with the Sky

It wasn't every day this sort of opportunity dropped into his coils, the naga mused. In fact, this would probably be the first. The deep blue coils rolled around his capture, and gave it a soft squeeze, eliciting a heavy groan from the black and blue...

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Blue Sky

**blue sky** _"blue skies, smiling at me. nothing but blue sky, do i see..."_ _ _ when bluerenamon slowly reopened his eyes the very first thing he noticed was just how dark it was.

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