Alantris, Chapter 1

"i can remove the blackness in the eyes, but the soot around must stay."

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Sensual Sacrifice (POEM)

Whether to wish to be eaten, or to be crushed underfoot, perhaps ruthlessly beaten, with her cigar turned to soot, in the end, you will be dead.

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Shadow Stalkers: Weredragon Pt. 1

Just lumps of twisted, melted metal and streaks of soot. he wiped soot from his visor, smearing it more than removing it and checked their comm-link. 'how many was that?' 'sixty-two.'

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Watch the Sauce

And with all the dust and soot from the stove around, she didn't dare try to breathe deeply enough to speak. her company seemed to take her squirming and pushing back to get away as invitation.

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Special Anniversary Story #1 Come to Dust - Alister

The boy had climbed up one of the chimneys with that blasted brush tied to his tail and, while i was loath to admit it at the time, he did get more soot and creosote from the flume than i expected.

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 7

The two battered pokemon slid to a stop on the dirt path, kicking up more dirt and soot into the already dissipating debris cloud, glaring at each other in a bitter standoff. _'whoa...

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Tales of Airethe 22: Baxter and the Boys

Karbin, like baxter, appears to have a thin layer of grime on him from his duties while wylie, bowen and tillerman, though unwashed, are not as covered in soot or grease.

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Crying My Eyes Out

I blew it, messed up again, shot myself in the foot, now i'm choking back the sad with a throat full of soot. my bones are aching, legs are shaking, sanity breaking, claws are raking the small of my back.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 8

Just take a cup of warm milk and add a pinch of chimney soot for whatever ails you, results guaranteed!" kiana raised an eyebrow. "chimney soot? is that really supposed to cure a hangover?"

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Gotta Go Female!

Black soot covered the upper half of his body. his eyes were the only thing one could see, at least until he shook off the soot in a very cartoonish fashion. "okay, what happened?"

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War of the Kaiju: Chapter 1- Godzilla's Rebirth

I regret leaving him here, gliding over this titanic crater as i survey the ground for any signs of godzilla, all i am able to see so far are crumbled structures and miles of ash and soot covering in a layer much like snow.

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His fur was matted with soot in odd patches. he looked dirty and rough. camnus was large, and like all ice bears he carried much of his bulk in his belly. his huge frame helped convey his physical power.

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