Spin the Bottle 2-2 - Smokey lands on Degyn

Smokey twisted up his arm to spin and looked to the green fellow with a grin. they had met in class a couple of months ago.

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Spin the Bottle 2-6 - Arkona lands on Alex

#15 of spin the bottle arkona had been dragged to the spin the bottle party by a friend of his, who had assumed he would be into what went on. that was of course accurate, but it was beside the point, given that max ditched him almost immediately.

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Fragments; Dthana T'Kaltyae Saga

This is a chapter in a saga i am rewritting, normally the latest chapter goes in order this one will be chapter 12, but it is the first one in my new writing style and I wanted to see if I am doing better. So Furry is more of a writer's site than Fur...

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Dangerous Lunatics spin-off: Turning Point Book 1

#1 of spin-off series story series i started based off of the great story by alex reynard dangerous lunatics: turning point by token nerd -this is a spin-off series based on the novel dangerous lunatics by alex reynard i am a fan of his work and


Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 10: The Dinner Party

#10 of spirit bound spin off holy shit wow the next on is coming soon. as soon as i sleep worth about two nights. but i will keep posting. the buzzer buzzed and a moment later conor, avery, dirk, and faelen walked through the door.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 8: Proper Etiquette

#8 of spirit bound spin off well after some much needed rest everyone's feeling better it was mid afternoon when natsu woke but just lied there.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off chapter 4: Near Miss?

#4 of spirit bound spin off i don't own fairy tail that's where natsu came from but still " what. they beat you in school and no one notices?how. the security cameras would of picked it up" nathaniel roared. the fur flinched at this sudden outburst.

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Goldenmane Chapter VIII: You Wont Even Notice the Product Placement

Agent Stud Colt slipped into the small nondescript dry cleaners off Fritz-Elsas Strasse. The bored looking badger on the counter didn't even look up from his copy of Bild as the bulky equine made his way behind the counter and into the cluttered...

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Spin to Win (Or, Gambling's got Your Yote) (coyote tf/tg)

"why, you spin the slot, of course! you have unlimited spins, but you'll know when you've won since the machine will ding several times. now, if you need anything, i'll be right outside! enjoy, and congrats again!"

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 7: FightBetween light and dark

#7 of spirit bound spin off well this is going great huh l i love doing this. i also take request from you guys for a fanfiction. this isn't ending any time soon. i hope you know that as geoff had ran inside with natsu the other three were seething.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 14: Fight Between Lovers

#14 of spirit bound spin off hahahahahaha yas this is a fanfic based off of spirit bound. an really amazing fanfic at that. check out plainwalk for that. followed by liam and geoff, nathanial immediately rushed to downstairs.

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ZIGGO: You need to be more careful. SILVER: Careful?! There was NO WAY of knowing that anvil was going to fall on me! SOMBRA: To be fair, it DID come out of nowhere. ERIK: I've always wondered, Silver...are you related to Wile E? SILVER: Yush, but...

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