Trial of the Races: 1 - Captured

It let out a groan and ejected shi fen from its body, still bound up inside the tar, and beat a hasty retreat.

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Watch Dogs 3- The Lost Boy

It contained some waterproof matches, some rags and a small brick of tar.

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Our Love So Pure Part One: A Day in the Real World

"in the kitchen, they call plain black coffee rt black for road tar black." "road tar?!" talus said, prompting the embaressed doe for a backstory.

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Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 11: Operation you don't screw with earth

"gee this tar sure stinks, but the bad guys will love it," canad laughed pouring tar into a huge empty cement container.

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Expect the Unexpected (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 7)

On victor's next step toward the mouse, he sank up to his knee which made him lose his balance and he fell forward into the tar himself. he was then covered up to his neck in tar as he shrugged and continued over to where the mouse was stuck.

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Paladin's Choice

The sensation of warmth radiated through these shorts as the material seemed to change consistency into more of wet latex than tar.

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High Jinx

Fenryx finds them mildly disturbing as his own battle with aggressive tar babies on shadow fang isle is still rather fresh in his mind though they, the tar balls that is, prove to be harmless enough.

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Her paws raked at the tar, begging for the strength to drag herself to her feet. the scrapes of the steel upon the tar was getting closer, slowly making its way towards her. she ventured a glance over her shoulder.

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[DolphinSanity] Tarrex Shots: Prelude

Harry was on his back in a heap, fighting with his controlled lower half, as the corrupting tar swept over his eyes -- engulfed his ears, and began penetrating his body through every available spot.

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To Sponsor a Prince (QCP: BG-Eps11)

I wish for this naughty cat lord to be stuck in lord mularri's tar realm in a tar stallion's tar pit for ten times the length of time that you personally had to work there." zecma grinned. "that is mean! but i grant that wish!

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part II: Scene 8

(cut to bugs turning back quickly, to notice two pink ballet slippers in the tar pool, then a stand with other such footwear in the distance, before shrugging.)


The Forge of Heroes - Trials

"j'tar!" the mountain lion's mother bid, coming out of her door. "it's dinner time for us too, kit." "alright," j'tar sighed. "coming mom." kezak'han looked at the others, after they'd waved goodbye to j'tar.

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