Commission Zone: Biggest Loser of the Year

Biggest Loser of the Year By Terinas Tiger, For justacritic "Thank you, thank you!" PsyqueOut stood in front of a podium, drinking in the applause and the adulation of his audience. Gazing out upon the crowd, he saw a surplus of spandex,...

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Commission Zone: Seifer's Diaper Punishment

Diaper Punishment for Unruly Boys By Terinas Tiger, For Seifer Seifer woke up to the sound of a baby mobile playing overhead. When his eyes opened he noticed it was the same one he'd fallen asleep staring at, with the little...

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Commission Zone: Door-to-Door Moommy

He awoke, in a shock, to the doorbell ringing. Tony Chestershire had fallen asleep on the couch in his family's living room. His parents were out for the summer, and he was watching the house for them until Summer's end. Working a part time job...

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Commission Zone: Sisselixer 2 (Finale)

The commission zone. part 7: gotta stay hydrated "clothes shopping." jeffy mumbled, seated at a restaurant's booth in the lustrum mall alongside several other people slurping on fruit smoothies.

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 4

The commission zone. chapter 4: clarence's fate "w-where are you taking me?" clarence managed to squeak out, the buck being led off on a leash by the man who had bought him.

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 3

The commission zone. chapter 3: celebrity auction hell was not what maximilian expected. the other side of the portal was brightly lit and sunny. the first thing he saw was a lush green grassy lawn that looked freshly mowed.

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 2

The commission zone. chapter 2: days, months, years later a few days later stephen was supposed to meet up with the others, but he had slept in a bit too long and got sidetracked by a realization that he looked kind of hot just out of bed.

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Blasting Zone 4 - Volatile Vitriol

#4 of scriptures of oddclaw 5 - blasting zone thomas, oddie and their new allies soon head into the lair of the vile plague knight and mujoe's combined forces.

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Blasting Zone 3 - A Plague of Lies

#3 of scriptures of oddclaw 5 - blasting zone the deceitful plague knight's tricks have only worked for so long as both heroes of another world join forces to correct their mistakes and save kevin from the nefarious clutches of their respective fiendish villains

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Blasting Zone 2 - Strike the Earth

#2 of scriptures of oddclaw 5 - blasting zone things get shaken up in oddclaw's home by the presence of a new traveller, a knight of a foreign land hunting down a diabolical fiend.

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Blasting Zone 1 - Broadened Horizons

Dino crisis copyrighted to capcom, oddclaw to me **_the scriptures of oddclaw_** **three-and-two: blasting zone** _"a true knight is fuller of bravery in the midst, than in the beginning of danger.
