Royal Duties

Call it cruel irony that this dark, almost forgotten place would also be the largest, most populated section of the entire city. cheaper living prices, the prince figured.

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Spammer [Story Collab]

It would be cruel irony if they had gone through all that work to punish her escape attempt only to dangle the computer with her skype account still active on it before her eyes. but, it did not matter.

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Melora's Journey

It seemed like cruel irony that after brennan had taken such a risk in order to get her sent off to the potentially survivable life of a slave, rather than winding up in the arena like her peers, it should prove to have been nothing more than a short detour

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Manhunt: Inflator Style Season 2 (Complete)

Sometimes it's poetic justice, sometimes it's just pure cruel irony, but jasu felt that the best kind of irony was the simple humorous kind that you just can't help but grin over when you put the situation into words.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 10 Tyrant's Justice

It was a cruel irony that when he devoted his life to bahamut, it was to trade one rivalry for another, where in the place of the kobold gods towards the gnome's, he got a war between two dragon gods of opposing dichotomies with little hope for resolution

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Sent Kobold Chapter 14: Faith's Illusion

The specter of the tent camp was outlined by moonlight more than the small fires inside, a cruel irony that even flammable wood needed to keep warm had become a precious commodity in the burned-out part of the city.

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