Beyond the Call
spammer tried to force his way out by taking a hostage. he grabbed cindy, holding the now unconscious girl up with his arm around her throat and a cocked .45 at her temple.
chapter one::inside the box
Lynn's email was somehow the maelstrom of every spammer in the hemisphere. her friends joked that if she had taken all the penis enlargement offers, her husband's junk could apply for statehood.
Gut punching beating
And i tho spammers where horrible. the dillo stands up to face his victi- ehm.. his assaulter. elliot: u can at least tell me u'r name ???: my momma told me to never speak with strangers ya'kno.
Spammer [Story Collab]
They didn't even take into account how people would be pissed at her - she knew how ticked off people could get when spammers show up.
Twinks Across America: Chapter 12 - Idaho
I found plenty of spammer bots too.
Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 4: Setting up for the party
Of course buxy knew that steven used a lot of bulk emailing and spammers to contact the would-be-clients about his nightclub, but she didn't bring up that point. buxy shook her paws in defense. "i know, i know, it's just that... well...
Lu and TechFurs
The router looks at each envelope with a message, looks at the from: and to: addresses, and stops ones from people it's told to, like known spammers. don't clog up the internet! i won't bore you with ipv4 addresses and how to interpret them.
Night of the Feline
spammers will die if they do!
The Lucky Guy
The only people taking the middle road were the spammers. the second my mom's car pulled out of the driveway, my door opened. michelle walked in clutching what i could see was a menu to our local chinese food place.
Twinks Across America (Preview #2)
I found plenty of spammer bots too.
DownStairs: The Morning After
Flamers will be laughed at and have their e-mail addresses blocked and sold to spammers and script kiddies. use protection. star wars and all related content is ©lucasfilm productions. please don't sue me, mr. lucas. i liked jar-jar.
DownStairs 1 - An Introduction
Flamers will be laughed at and have their e-mail addresses blocked and sold to spammers and script kiddies.