"Besties" Part Four [Story]

But here, you're playing some fucking game of thrones-ass-" heather can see liz's eye twitch. "enough out of you."

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The Dragon's Game(s) Chapter 1

"called buyers, called sellers, got hung up on more than once, filed a stack of paperwork bigger than the next game of thrones book, all that jazz." "so same as yesterday then?" jim asked. "i always thought life got less boring around your age."

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The Resort: Part Two (And A Half... For Mister Winger!)

"game of thrones." "star trek." "firefly." "hey, whoa, whoa, whoa," loreli growled. "now you're just being rude."

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Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 13

She was easily as big as the direwolves from the television show game of thrones and she even looked a bit like ghost, jon snow's wolf.  

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Randall's Diaper Punishment

He finally came across something that looked at least somewhat interesting: a re-imagining of a book series he'd read as a kid as a dark and gritty show that looked kind of like game of thrones in style.

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Steam Room Sting

"or a box set of game of thrones, i have to catch up." "don't bother, the series doesn't end well. i thought they... oh wait!" something familiar flashed on the screen. a dragon body and my eyes lit up. "it's him!"

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Tales from the Foxhole: Chapter 9

There was also a desk, upon which sat a computer monitor and an almost ridiculous number of action figures, anime and other movie paraphernalia, and above the desk, mounted on the wall, were the two most notable swords from game of thrones.

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Knightly Duties Part 2

It's not pure fantasy ala game of thrones or the lord of the rings. i decided to give it a more contemporary spin. i'm sure it's not for everyone, but hey, i can't please all of you.

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I was now watching some medieval fantasy that was loaded with gore and nudity in the game of thrones mode, but without much of a story to it. at least none that i could decipher.

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Last Resort: Chapter 3

Taro distinctly remembered a dress from game of thrones in there somewhere. with a smirk, he unlocked the door and swung it open. standing there was the biggest congregation of foxes he could have ever seen.

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Last Resort: Chapter 1

Taro shrugged in response, flicking on the television and relaxing into a cosy, lazy state of binge-watching game of thrones. the biting wind was enough to make joey see sense. he wasn't gay, that much he was sure. he had just had a weird dream.

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Hello My Name is Jolene (Woman > Opossum Anthro)

"no 'peaky blinders' or 'game of thrones' tonight on my bigass plasma tv. just fall asleep thinking about climbing trees and eating more raisin-bugs."

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