Genetic Institute: Chapter 1

These things were dogs that had been genetically altered and then trained to hunt genetics. standing 4 and a half feet tall it was intimidating.


Homework II

Jess knew she had been trained, and for what reasons, yet she bore no ill-will against those who had genetically altered her, then the many long months of intensive training and testing - for to be purchased by a man as loving, gentle and compassionate as

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An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.1 (Rewrite)

She explains that you've been genetically altered and they would like to ran some scans to make sure everything is stable. the two men move behind you and she turns to walk out with you in tow.

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"so you're the daughter of the genetically altered pikachu i've heard about." the scyther said standing up after it regained it's composure. "what of it?" ashley said turning around to glare at the scyther. "you don't belong with us!

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Honor Above All Else chapter 6

Think about it, these omegas, were genetically altered with these abilities, they don't turn them off when they don't need them like you. maybe that's the key.

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 1

She explains that you've been genetically altered and they would like to ran some scans to make sure everything is stable. the two men move behind you and she turns to walk out with you in tow.

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Bio-electricity chapter 1

We too are genetically altered. it seems we are a race of man unto ourselves; a race of wolf humans" "so we're stuck like this?" "afraid so my dear" my father said sadly, "but in the long run this is better than being human.

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Part 1: One Hell of a Wake up Call; Part 2: Starting Anew

This world seemed to have restricted humans, so you somehow got genetically altered into a random animal at a random age. basically you're about one or two years old as it stands, and you've got some unique physical attributes which stand out."

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\genetic alterations to the human male testes, he can interbreed with taurs or morphs, but never both.

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My Desert

But a dramatic genetic alteration of a specimen after birth? that, that my friend is something well beyond my years. i am very proud for such a discovery to be made in my field".

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chapter seven

Gelf- - genetically engineered life forms- this means there made galf- - genetically altered life forms- this means that person or creature changed from one thing to another this can be present and far future setting so one can easily change


Project X | Chapter XIV: Remorse

It's not cloning, they tell us, but it is some form of science that uses certain genetic traits to help genetically alter the sperm of a male to which it makes the sperm grow into a fetus, child, toddler, teenager, adult, and then elder."

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