Green Eyed Daughter - Wetness by the water tank.

.-- lilly, karen, kiri and mecho were all yelling in time with each other in the front yard as they practiced their hand to hand combat. the sun was high in the sky and the it was a cloudless, breezeless day.

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Leonard Wolfe Biography

**weapon** : ofuda can be thrown or used to slash opponents in a pinch as well as hand to hand combat but primarily uses nono magic for offense. is capable of producing fire, water, gusts of wind and shock waves at will to attack.

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Character Profile: Foxy

Her self defense and tactical training help her fight in close hand-to-hand combat in many cases, especially when using the whip proves too impractical.  


Character Sheet

He fully accepted the offer that was given to him and was immediately shipped out to a remote location where he was trained in hand to hand combat, and became an exceptional marksman, he was also trained in surveillance and counter surveillance and everything

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Baitang, the Patriotic Panda

Abilities: baitang is adept with a wide variety of firearms and hand-to-hand techniques, but his personal weapon of choice is the supernova, a fifteen-foot long ballistic weapon that fits around his arm.

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Charlotte and Riok's perfect night (W.I.P)

She has an athletic body and enjoys displaying her skills in hand to hand combat and she will often show off when she gets a chance. she has shining green eyes, which reflect her playful and energetic personality very well.

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Black Petals: Chapter 5 ~ Rome Took Forever.

This was to get her more used to hand-to-hand combat. she had yet to land a hit on the more experienced hedgehog, but amy was beginning to get the hang of fighting without her hammer, something shadow noticed.

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My new male OC: Jake Ryuuzaki.

Expertise in advanced hand-to-hand combat. able to endure hours and hours of tickle torture (even with the female's tongues tickling his feet and toes mercilessly.)

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Fated Encounter

To point this out, kara had fought hand to hand before with other creatures, sometimes winning without having to utilize too much weaponry. however this time kara was only present at the site, as she had not participated as the killing.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 17-Augmentation

They weren't any bigger than my original arms, however, i knew that a hydraulic strut in place of tissue and bone would lend me a few favors in hand to hand combat.

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Wolf Lovin'

Wolf joins fox and exits his arwing to fight fox in hand-to-hand combat. both canines clash. wolf moves slower than normal against fox, which is fox's downfall.

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chapter 4: Mass hysteria

I have basic hand to hand combat training as well as firearms training.

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