In to the Unknown- Chapter Two

~static~" as we reached the site my men were already in hand to hand combat with their assailants. both furres and humans fought in a mad fury, each side losing men every moment.

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A Forlorn Love Part 7

Jason is my foster father and he is also the one who trained me and my brothers in hand to hand combat." "you have my word, jessy. if something happens, and i hope it doesn't, i'll give these people a call." "thank you, sir! that means a lot to me.

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A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Interlude: Character sheet and Recap.

Jake had readily agreed then left her in the bunker to watch over it with the formerly enemy hyenas now under her charge since he somehow beat the matriarch in hand to hand combat.

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pokemon world (FINAL CHAPTER part 2)

to hand combat while reshiram flouted over by tina and poked her shoulder causing her to awaken while tina looked up at the legend and bows her head as he did the same} "_young you wish to save your trainer?

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It helps keep our hand to hand combat skills honed and it helps us overcome a fear as well." hannah stared. "what fear?" sunset piped in. "the fear of hurting someone.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Prologue

The scrofa surrounded him, dropping their halberds in favor of hand-to-hand combat. one by one, they fell with broken legs, arms, or necks.

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Kindred Spirits, A Lesson Learned

The head hand to hand combat instructor stated, standing at ease. both director archer and dr. klein were seated in the briefing room, listening to his report.

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The Human Species Ch.12 - Beautiful Dancer Gallade

Lucario asked while getting an eerie sensation, "hey, i thought we were going to do hand-to-hand combat!" "... hand-to-hand, eh?

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Life as a Elite Part 1

I walked off and went to hand to hand combat first. the arbiter watched me leave to start my training. a prophet came up next to the arbiter suddenly, he had been using active camouflage. " you think he will suit to be beside you in the covenant?"

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Life as a Elite Chapter 1

I walked off and went to hand to hand combat first. the arbiter watched me leave to start my training. a prophet came up next to the arbiter suddenly, he had been using active camouflage. " you think he will suit to be beside you in the covenant?"

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Silly as it may seem at first sight, these people have been taught and are teaching archery to the students, close-combat knife fighting (for those that lack the need of claws) and of course hand-to-hand combat skills.

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Requiem - Part 1

I then learned my first lesson of hand-to-hand combat: if you fail to execute a plan of attack, you will have your ass handed to you every time.

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