On Beaver Pond

Duez leaned back and let norbert wash his front, wrapping one arm around the beaver and rubbing his back. norbert grabbed his bottle of shampoo from the side of the tub, squeezing a glob into his paw before putting it back.

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Day 8

Karen said sleepily, coming up behind me silently and putting one arm around me. "oh its all the rage." harry said, encouragingly. "yeah, america looked like being too cold, so."

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Chapter 2 - Omega's Secret

She stops concentrating, and raises one arm to look at it, bandage hanging off the back of her hand. she's only in her panties now, which look a bit small on her.

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Let there be darkness part1

He sat down on the bed, and embraced timmy with one arm, pulling him closer, and proceeded to kiss his nose. "...which in turn received it from your dad" "really?"

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Ebon, Chapter Three

I rolled over swiftly, propping myself up on one arm as my father trudged into my room, holding a white usps box under one arm. "oh, dammit dad, don't scare me like that." i grunted, rubbing my face with my free hand." i grumbled.

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Tyler's pokemon adventure 8

Aura had an iron grip even when asleep with one arm. every time tyler had tried to move away she'd only tighten her grip on him. "how did she even get in the bed without me knowing?" he thought again.

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Resignation (pt.4)

He tried to rub them, but there was something large in the way of one arm and the other was completely trapped under something.

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Brothers Part 3

As the corpse shambled closer menacingly wufy cradled the girl in one arm holding the other, half extended. it lunged at him but he simply grabbed one arm wrenching it away from him savagely. there was a crack as old brittle bone snapped.

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Sam's First Rave

Smiling and squeezing sam's side with one arm alex whispered in his ear "i have missed you too sam...

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Crouching Toriel, Hidden Cougar: Chapter Nine

Frisk beamed and waved when they saw sans approaching, while papyrus grinned hugely and marched toward his brother, one arm outstretched in merry greeting and the other clutching a small paper sack. "sans!" cried papyrus.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 180

Banno was downhill, and he only had one arm to push back with.

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A Little Colour (Chapter 4)

He found her at the other end of the bed, gazing down at him from her knees, rump resting on a rumpled tangle of sheets behind her, one arm crossing her body to grip the forearm opposite.

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