Starting Anew Chapter 3

There are massive efforts underway in africa and south america right now by the dragons to revitalize the burt rain forests.

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Haruki, Pt 3

Purpleheart is a real wood, found in central and south america. look it up if you don’t believe me. i have also heard aromatic red cedar called aromic red cedar. same wood. again, warning! alcohol use. references to pedophilia and incest.

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(Strange Happenings) Shark berry flavour

Linda's family came from south america so her calling me boy was kind of a habit she had but mostly she did it to get on my nerve more than anything because she knows it pieces me off.

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Treacherous Sisters

Our grandmother to my father offered to take my then eighteen years old sisters on a fun vacation with her to touring south america.

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Red Moon: Revolution Chapter 7

He had lost the inquisition agents only to run into another group who had just arrived off of a flight from south america. the place was crawling with them and that worried dmitri. "i hope you do the right thing."

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My Mane Squeeze(s)

These ladies were from south america, species wise, though they were born in a zoo here in the states, and  were the first i had ever seen of their kind. as pups, they were cute and fairly normal looking.

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 17

If you'd told me this was your idea i'd have stayed in south america." "fred, there's no one else i trust to build the kind of phrase needed here." "and you're going to tie yourself to it knowing the risk!" "what?

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Los Señores Del El Diablo

A family of otters who has done their best to help keep the spirit of lucha libre alive after all of south america vanished. only to be disgraced and humiliated by veneno de vibora." the serpent smirks as he takes out a flask and takes a large swig.

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The Diving and The Jumping

_ **this is the third story about ralph and kiona, who got married and are out on a love holiday to colombia in south america.

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Sunset in Amistad. Chapter 1

On earth, i studied at the university of santiago del nuevo extremo, in south america. however, i wanted to hone my skills by taking a postgraduate course at the prestigious dewclaw university.

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The aftermath of the fall of humankind

The united states government made it hard for them to control illegal immigrants from south america. in addition drilling for crude oil in the sea and their land. california, same thing with illegal immigrants.

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The smelly love between father and son 2

He had found this remedy from a friend in college who heard of it from a medicine man in south america. once he learned about it and actually managed to find some, he always puts the maximum recommended dose in all of his and michaels food.

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