The Power of a Priestess

"i never thought i'd find you here khaz son of asmarila the wolf demon of the northern wolf demon tribe. why are you here?"

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Chapter 1: Mating Season

Inuyasha went to intercept the wolf demon. he was in a mood for a good fight. "hey, mutt," greeted kouga in his usual cocky manner. "where's my woman?"

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The Interviews - Aren Goldie

Is hosting a wolf(?)demon named nera who comes from the fury realm. has issues with his family that are unknown at this time. runaway? goals are to find out about nera's past, maybe be separated?

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My Personal Demon Ch. 1

"i'm half demon, my mother was a demon" i explained as i kneeled and started drawing in the dirt, drawing a weird japanese symbol in the dirt, "in japan i would be known as the ookamiyasha, the wolf demon.

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Look What Big Daddy Found? 3

The big wolf demon royakan was walking through his forest, smelling the air for any nearby enemies. "i know someone is here, where are you." said royakan in his gruff voice.

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Blue Moon chapter 3:The Calm Before the Storm

Massive horns pierced out of his skull, and curved around his ears, producing another howl of pain from the wolf demon. kelsey was now fully transformed, a massive hulking demon wolf.

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My Personal Demon Ch. 2

, that would be yasha ookami" "hmm, sounds more like you've delved into language, not folklore" "ookamiyasha is a wolf demon, often seen in the folklore from japans darker times.

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The Demon Inside

Said the voice "does that mean you are asmarila my mother the wolf demon?" said khaz the light shifted and a woman appeared.

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The Infection...

Licking over his lips the young wolf demon found his tongue growing longer and slimmer almost like a serpent's.

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Furry Rights: Chapter 2

He was kind of a wolf demon, with black wings and a red trim. jake asked him, "so, who are you?" the demon looked up and shortly responded, "jason." dwane asked, "why did you help us? you could have gotten killed."

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Sneak Peek: King Maker - Part 2

Gilles' eyes snapped to look at jace, his rectangle pupils burrowing into the wolf demon's reptilian ones. "my mistake."

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