Ermina the Ermine - Chapter One -

"what a day - " ermina muttered, as she rolled over onto her back, as naked as the day she'd been pupped - but a lot of the anthromorph's in the corporation didn't wear clothing, some found it too restrictive, some, just didn't see the need.

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Project DDS Part 3

Nothing about this behavior had been recorded earlier and without having much data to go on in the first place about the effect of the pathogen on behavioral patterns of anthromorphs, there was little for them scientific team to go on.

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Disclaimer/Reference Guide

Also, in this story selkies are anthromorphs, the moogles are going to be like the ones in ff12 and tactics advanced, but shorter, carbuncles are like those of ff11, and chocobo resemble those from fff chocobo tales and dungeon.

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The Changes Investigated

The world you believe to be real right now is the one full of animal people or anthromorphs. you actually could spend the rest of your life in this world and be fine. living in a dream world instead of reality. it is a choice that you will have to make.

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Hc Svnt Dracones: The Followed Conspiracy

Laterals were memebers of the vector race, the same race of animalistic anthromorphs that zoreia was born into, that were born into bodies very similar to the feral counterparts.

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(ZOO) Forest Friends

He didn't seem scared at all - but many of the deer here, despite fines warnings and signs, humans and anthromorph's alike - fed them. "oh..." anna blushed, flattening her ears, then chuckling nervously, feeling foolish talking to a stag.

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Rutting Season

Kendra was unlike most deer anthromorphs, in that instead of human like breasts - due to some genetic throwback to her feral ancestors, she had four teats and an udder,just like a feral deer.

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Bronwyn: Further First Impressions

Or maybe he was just that unaccustomed to differentiating between anthromorphs of their... persuasion? but boy, what a figure they each had.

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The First Week

Oh, and fyi, anthromorphics in my story's are generally the same height as humans unless otherwise stated.

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