Venom, Episode 1

Heck, i think we have two aztec gods, several hundred artificial intelligences, a goodly number of space aliens, a talking virus, and a self aware chemistry set as residents. though calling alexandria a living chemistry set is an ongoing joke.

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Lab Rat 2 - The Beginnings

On my left a large tank in a fake aztec looking wall with iguana's inside. i made my way deeper until i found the perfect specimen for strength. an eight foot wall of glass foot thick glass.

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The Legend of the Lost City part 3.

.** despues del enfrentatmiento en el desierto, los 3 jovenes fueron regresados a green valley city para encontrar el tercer cristal, al igual que aztec village, el templo del desierto fue un gran descubrimiento por parte de los aventureros, pero en fin,

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Immortal, Chapter 3 - Selections

aztec designed tattoos across his entire featherless head. his intense purple eyes staring at his immortal brother. his massive wings wrapped around him like a cloak hiding his body beneath.

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Spitecaller Ch. 1

She was regarding a particularly beautiful necklace from around the aztec period. it was one of a kind. i tried to hide the distaste from my voice as i carefully took the necklace back from her and returned it to its glass case.

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New Moon Maiden

Nearly after two hours and looking from over a hill, he could see large slightly mossy grey aztec like pyramid temples in the distance, around five in total with a large one in the middle while the other four surrounding it in square formation.

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Camilla, the Conquerer - Chapter 17

At the very beginning the mayas, aztecs, egyptians, babylonians, irish, later incas, greeks, romans, teutons. the only stupid thing was that the cherites interfered, or better said, they got between the fronts.

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"one of the aztec gods," kaz explained. the breath wanted to catch in his chest. "god of?" nekari asked, grinding almost imperceptivity.

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With Fire in the Night: Chapter 2

The lion valley kingdom was traditionally the domain of the skorma family, a benevolent ruling royal house led by aztec and her husband corona. but spirethorn backed a young rebel leader, leo marshoda.


14 - Bad News

When visiting the territory of the aztec, i accidentally ran into another dragon's territory. he was territorial and came against me with everything.

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Proper Care of Construction Equipment - Chapter 1

That's exactly what the aztecs did with prisoners and their monstrously steep temple stairs. no, the ideal stairs would be the opposite of aztec stairs, with large, shallow steps. it'd take up too much room, the older man wisely interjected.

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Calling Cards Chapter 7: The Path of Shadows

"the last remaining aztec artifact. a golden idol of the native american god, kishnta. it was insured, but the board of directors are going crazy." "was anyone killed?" the feline asked the ring-tailed monkey. "thankfully no.

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