The Pokémon Journey – the Pokémorph and the Pewter City Gym

You deserve this boulder badge." jet held out the boulder badge to mike. "well, thank you," said mike. he took the badge and added it to his new collection. "that was an intense battle."

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

I pointed to a large boulder. the boulder itself was harmless: just a hunk of basalt vomited from the moon's interior a couple billion years ago. it was the slight crack beside it that worried me. "get down."

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Paradox - Chapter 3

Shouted vaskier from a large boulder. hopping from boulder to boulder, zeidak found a wolf finding his way through the boulder maze. jumping down on the unsuspecting wolf, zeidak dug his dagger into it's lower neck, severing it's spine.

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First Flight - Chapter #1

It may have only looked like a boulder, but it sure weighed like one.  "halo of arceus, just how heavy are you?!"

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Scion and the Alpha

The dragon's tail flicked, the end of the scaled appendage pointing to a small group of smooth surfaced boulders that sat but a few dozen yards away.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Prologue

Jumping back, the totodile hides behind a small boulder. "hey, hey! i saved you! you're in one of my hideaways." waving a hand out to one side from behind the boulder, he then pokes his head out.

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Sight of the heart Chapter IX

The big monster charges sophie who looks panicked and dodges out of the way as the golem slams into a boulder that was behind sophie and shatters it.

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Blue Streak's Inflation

He would place a boulder on blue's tail, but where would he find a boulder, and how would he get the boulder on the pegasus' tail?

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Adventure One, Chapter Three.

He turned around and saw terror taking a stance, as if ready to fight the boulders. ian rolled out of the way of a boulder. two boulders were on both sides of the dragon, and one in the center, trapping the dragon. "terror!

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Kauto and MW Part 7c

Kauto looked towards the trees which were about half a mile away and gently tossed the boulder towards them. smash!!! the boulder flew over the first bunch of trees and landed with a loud crash. 'holy smokes!!! you hardly put any effort into that!'

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Dust in the Wind. Dust in my Lungs (PMD:WNA #2)

I swore softly to myself, like before i stanced up and gripped the boulder with my front claws and called to my power, the source of strength in all pokemon.

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 3

Rhyperior shot a boulder at blaziken with deadly accuracy and fast speed. "dodge it!" i yelled. since blaziken was in mid-air he couldn't move much, so the boulder hit him and he plummeted down to earth.

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