Mendo Kills a Kitty (Working Title)

Bill's muzzle bobbed on mendo's cock like a dismembered torso riding high tide. reverse fellatio never felt so good. mendo's huge furry balls swung back and forth between his tree trunk thighs, heavy with pent up need.

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You Only Live 18 Times - #1 (SpyJirra)

She passed body upon body, blackened and dismembered, and knew the sharks would be here soon. she had to get out of the water before the blood attracted them in earnest.

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Lead And Silver: Part 1

Something terrible, indescribable, something that was killing with the sole purpose to leave the body mutilated beyond recognition, skinned and dismembered. luckily, most of the details was hard to see because of the dark.

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Mitriaria (chapter 36)

Aliarus appeared on the scene and dismembered them before they took off. with a long spear, ribin gouged the attacker's eyes out and pierced his jaw. another flock of riphonts encroached and overran the terrain.

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Miyoko's Angel

Nikumu wanted to split their stupid fucking heads wide open with a hatchet, wanted to break the children into pieces and burn their dismembered corpses while their parents watched, tied up to a stake, watched as their ignorant little fucks died a horrible,

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Guadalupe (prequel)

Before he settled on an explosive resolution to end all his problems, max blew a kiss to the dismembered, bloody, scorching head of hooper, who seemed to stare back at max with flame-drenched eyes, molten and gelatinous. now was the time to act swiftly.

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Time Now and Time Than: it all begins somewhere

Within the lecture hall there are hundreds of deformed and dismembered bodies heaped into piles, flies and maggots buzzing and making audible squishing sounds. a moan can be heard as he looks up to see one still alive.

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Starwind past

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight, laying against her and shielding her with my body as i tried to shut out the blood curdling howls of the tiger being dismembered behind us.

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Snowmews is NOT Good Mews

I look down at the partially dismembered and eviscerated body, its guts strewn around the ice cold room where it is laying, steam wafting from the slowly cooling shell, the head, partially caved in, one eye is dangling from

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Into Darkness: Icebreaker

It is as we tussle that i notice his half-dismembered tail, only held together by bone and sinew at its base.

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M-Preg Story: Saving the Krogan

._ "i don't know what you're thinking right now, but i'm pretty sure that you'd like to kill me or at least dismember me." _half right.

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Black Silence 2

"i've been shot, stabbed, hung, gutted, disemboweled, poisoned, burned, minorly dismembered, and been cut in half... all of it i've recovered from. the cutting off body parts i need to have the dismembered part to heal." carla pointed at her left arm.

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