2021-09-13 Writing in 3D Exercise

#4 of writer's crossing our exercise this week was to write an "intimate scene" based on one of some provided images. i chose one of a wolf and a cat in bed. i don't really like erotic scenes. people just skim through your story to read them.


2021-08-16 Writing in 3D Exercise

The exercise involved picking a quote on offer and writing. i just went on a stream of consciousness spiel, i suppose. i dunno why. i picked the line "124 was spiteful." i guess the narrator really comes across as spiteful.

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Writing Exercise 1- Make Me a Suit.

I decided to get over my writer's block by writing little blurbs about Vorel. Hopefully it'll get the creative juices flowing. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Interesting. I didn't know you were a life...

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Stud Exercise Program 2: Advanced Stretching

#1 of stud exercise program stud exercise program 2: advanced stretching by fuzzwolf starring trevor and sinclair trevor closed his locker door, tucked his fur shampoo under one arm and headed to the shower behind him.

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Chapter 3 - A Horny Exercise Before the Shower

It was already 5pm in the afternoon when Eric opened his eyes again. He somehow felt dizzy and tried recalling what happened before he slept, on the floor in the living room. He felt a cold breeze sweeping across his body that made him shiver. To his...

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Writing Exercise 1: The End of Downtown Crossing

#1 of writing excercises was part of a writing exercise series i tried doing. haven't updated in a while though. this particular one is an idea for a zombie novel that first started as a rework the dead fanfiction, set in metropolis boston.

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Office Smex 3 : Team Building Exercises

exercising the same manner of prehensility, he relieved all four of their panties simultaneously, then withdrew as they took up the task of helping each other dispense with the rest of their attire.

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An Embarrassing Exercise (Losing Control Part 3)

As the hooved fur packed a clean change of clothes for after their exercise into his duffle bag he considered about how, despite the horrifying humiliation he would soon face, he would at least get a hot shower after their workout to rinse the scent of his

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An Added Boost - Commission for anubiis_werewolf

Worse still was the following set of arm exercises he had to perform: 5 sets of 20 pushups with hip taps in between. once he felt right enough he got into the pushup position on the floor.

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Fly Off the Wall (Filth)

**[august 3rd, 2012]** the heavy clank of the exercise equipment came with every repetition mesa managed on the machine, bringing his arms together as the weights hoisted up and then dropped back down.

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*PDS* *Cub* Jogging With Reese - 2013

It's great exercise and even better sex since his daughter's enormous vaginal mound provides plenty of cover for his cock to slip into with her strapped to his chest. jogging and fucking in public can be risky, though.

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Bumping Lockers

The black and gold dragon paused a moment, looking over at the treadmills and exercise bikes at one end of the gym, then back to the striped drake heading the opposite direction.

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