Eyes like the Forest (6)

#7 of eyes like the forest despite assurances otherwise, it was nearing midday when the ferry had finally docked in tarrensford, a fact the traveler would have bemoaned, were he not simply grateful to be on solid land once again.

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The Fox General: Triumph

Turning back to the ferry-master, i announced my arrival. "i am general marco, liberator of pest, returning on the doge and the senate's orders, and i require passage on your ferry!" "oh!

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A Brief History of Wildfox Island

Many locals spend entire months or years naked, sometimes forgetting that they need to wear clothes if they want to take the ferry back to monterrey.


The one who makes me whole ch. 2

She searched for him, figuring that he might have taken a short break but was surprised to find one of the raccoon twins enter the booth and man the ferris wheel. "uh, shifty" petunia tried to get his attention.

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Capitulo 6. Unas lindas vacaciones (1 parte).

Cuando llegamos, no había llegado nadie de nuestro ferri, así que estuvimos de primeros en la cola para subirnos al ferri. durante el trayecto del ferri almorzamos y estuvimos hablando largo rato, ya que son dos horas y media de trayecto.

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Chapter VIII - Glennenmor

She was offered to follow on our ferry, but wanted to attend those who were shocked and wounded... mostly shocked, at the exercise grounds. she did not leave with our ferry."

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Mountain Climbing

The ferry will need to be dry docked to remove the tracings but it's no risk to the buoyancy now."

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Ch.18 (Movement 2) Diablo

"ferris!" the co barked. "yes sir! the stud's brother is that puppy lover, dalten." the co eyed the two severely. ken was getting nervous. he was the one that should be punished. he threw the first punch.

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 11

It was in the ferry docks right by where she was that she suddenly noticed something. squinting, she suddenly realized a familiar patch of orange fur on the ferry ship as it was getting prepared to leave.

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The Runner- Ch. V Kahri

"i'm a messenger here to deliver orders from king ferris himself to court runner clad."i sighed. ferris... you don't have time for such trivial things, you should really just let your stewards handle this.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 15

They watched as one of the ferries that had just left the docks lost power and started drifting. worse yet, and this was before they noticed the ferry was slowing, brad pointed out a plane that had been on final approach to seatac.
