Road to happieness: chapter 1

"well looks like he's blind and deaf all the hobo shit finally got him." the group laughed at the joke but it didn't affect me. i went to the pickle jar and reorganized them to the right spots they were supposed to be then the lion spoke again.

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Bumblings of a Twenty-Something Nothing

Things seem new and in good repair, and there seem to be none of the druggies or hobos i remember seeing when at some of my friends' places.

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Metal Pony Sex Dimension: Chapter II

On the outskirts of the town sprawled beneath her piercing gaze, puddles of rainwater and hobo urine dripped down through rust holes scattered across the roof of a burnt-out warehouse. inside, snails grunted as he mounted pinkie pie.

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1--The Arrival

Bill looked a little frightened of the prospect of hobos spending the night in dormitory mudrooms. "but sometimes people keep it open a crack so that their friends can come in and that leaves it open for anyone to waltz into the dorm..."

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In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 18 It Suits him Right

He was so dashing in his suit; it made me feel like a hobo in my second hand suit. "hey adam! are you ready to go?" he asked. "yeah!" i said with enthusiasm as i picked up my overnight bag.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eighteen

"and that train has derailed, fallen into a cliff, exploded into a billion tiny pieces, and then a crazy hobo named angus the ostrich slayer used those pieces to make a hundred foot tall statue to honor his favorite butt cheek."

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Worth: Chapter 3

At one time in their life, tess would have been starstruck listening to her big sister regale her many fights and conflicts as a teenage hobo, frankie sneaking up to tess's window at night when her foster parents were asleep.

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Caught in the shower 2

Drinking on a park bench like some kind of hobo! have you no respect for yourself?" his mother tried to calm him down. "shouting is not helping. look at him. he knows he's done wrong." dan sighed and sat next to him. "why son?


Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Sixteen

Jade sat on a shabby couch in front of an old tv that was so huge a whole family of hobos could have lived inside it. she had her hood down, though her bangs still covered the right side of her face.

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Fallen Angels, Part five - Night is the time for Killing

The journal stated his name simply as "toledo", a hobo living in a downtown shelter. he was scheduled for capping of a small brain aneurysm. that's when a weak blood vessel in the brain forms a bubble that can pop at any moment.

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Down for the Count - Chpt 2

You can throw that title on a hobo for all i care. fuckin-- just give it to tyler. he practically lives here." "haven't seen him. bucky beat the shit out of him when that dumb hyena challenged his title. didn't last a round."

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Through the Cracks - Had the Chance Been With Us that Has Not Been

I think there was an urban legend about a hobo getting his legs cut off when he fell under a train. and think there was some kinda local cryptid that was like... supposed to have a light switch for a face, i think?"

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