Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2
The fox was a bit stunned but extended his own hand forwards, "fox pheonix-mccloud, commander of the star fox mercenary team from the lylat system."
Tending the Bartender
pheonix's feet kicked and flailed in the air. she heard the water buffalo gurgle, his own moans of elation thick, hot and wet as she soaked his face and filled his muzzle with her overflowing ecstasy.
D&D Character Concept: Fire Genasi Pheonix Sorcerer Kiana Ashti
Name: Kiana Ashti Race: Fire Genasi Class: Phoenix Sorcerer Age: 30 Alignment: Neutral Good Appearance: Standing over six feet tall with a long, slender and muscular body, Kiana has dark red, flawless skin and eyes that are glowing like lively...
Who wants to marry a macro stud? part one
Go infinite echoes of the electric voices of instinctual fiery pheonix wisdom.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 1
**_'pheonix audubon. we meet at last.'_** the sharp voice echoed inside defender's mind. as the child approached the man smiled at him, "is this yours?" he asked in a high sweet voice.
Escape into Dragon's Love Story I of III of the Dragon's Love Trilogy
Our spy satellites have streamed in images before going offline, we are operating on a seris of relay towers to bring you this news" she speaks as pictures turn to the citys of denver, miami, washington dc, minniapolis, san diago, los angeles, los vegas, pheonix
The Naughty Gift
Here we go again. Originally this story was created to counter a very horrid image set my Fara was in, or rather a fake vixen trying to be her and any Christmas pic that is horrid and an abomination. Let me make it clear my Fara would never be...
In The Stables
She'd often come through and mess around with the.. well, the stable master told her they were pheonix-foxhybrids.
Chapter 33: Sedition
While he did still have the pheonix and banks twins to play with when they visited almost every weekend, he could sense that his son still missed his other school friends. falco then noticed fokkusu stop in his pacing.
Okay, must give props to draco pheonix for the names storm and flara and props to lady\_shandi for the name juno. they named the characters but they are still mine. above all odds chapter 1: absol. "hmm, hmm. only me."
Chapter 36: Aftermath
After a few minutes delay to establish a connection on a secure, encrypted channel, a hologram of a weary peppy hare appeared before the pheonix patriarch.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 2
"space dynamics is a subsidiary of pheonix enterperises, my family's company," fara said as she opened the docking bay doors and led the procession back into the ship, "it's also the primary technology and weapons supplier and manufacturer of the cornerian