The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 3: When Our Chains are Broken...

Cynder felt some of her battle rage peter out, leaving her slightly remorseful for the savage fighting. this remorse once again retreated as the three moved on her, converging as one.

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It wasn't just stories...

I cried when it looked at me, but i stopped when it ran away, it had a strange look in its eyes, it showed no anger, no remorse, just sadness. i ran from the burning cabin, but with a cost, it took all my skin, i looked nothing like myself anymore.

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Teen Dragon (Chapter 1)

Locker, he saw her there, dry humping her current boyfriend...who just happened to be the quarterback of the football team...and was a horse, he groaned at himself; he didn't know why but it still hurt...he couldn't help but love the wolf...but he felt no remorse

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Ruler of the Abyss

Her tail the wave that smashes without remorse. sail not under the glow of the moon, for the serpent's eye will open then and there will be no escape. sail to the edge of the world where mermaids dance and monsters play.

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I'm Sorry / She Loved / Help Yourself

Determined as i was, it was about time_ _to administer justice--to quell the remorse, to make silent the ruminations that were so loudly recalling an event_ _of which i was a catalyst, a criminal, and a liar (though my intentions did enlist

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Chapter 1: The Introduction

She stated with a hint of remorse in her tone. ''awh, but it's not even that far from here!'' ''come on ebelle, when do we ever get the chance to do something fun ever since we've had to leave our old home?'' her brother huffed.

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Deliverence. 5

She plucked many wicked souls that day, and she felt no remorse as she cast them into oblivion, a mercy in comparison to what belrakier would sentence them to.

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A redemption of the soul Chapter 4

He voice quivered and he felt wave after wave of remorse surge through him. "ignitus was my father! i have failed him!

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Black Lust

He stares into the empty skeletons, lapping the fear, the remorse, and unanswered prayers that still hover over the desisted. a silent cry echoes through the dead silence, tickling his ears.

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Black Lust

He stares into the empty skeletons, lapping the fear, the remorse, and unanswered prayers that still hover over the desisted. a silent cry echoes through the dead silence, tickling his ears.

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The Demon in the dark before the Angel in the light

I sat floated in the tube for months and i watched as they worked they pointed out flaws then they fixed them painfully with no regret or remorse and i saw father occasionally, but her i saw her everyday she was pretty and so nice she read to me it made me

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edit The Demon in the dark before the Angel in the light

I sat floated in the tube for months and i watched as they worked they pointed out flaws then they fixed them painfully with no regret or remorse and i saw father ocasionally, but her i saw her everyday she was pretty and so nice she read to me it made me

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