Chapter 18: A Fight Against Fate

They approached him cautiously, moving around him like sharpedos circling a wounded wailord. galen closed his eyes, watching all four of their auras simultaneously. the four now surrounded him. three were men, one a woman. he grimaced.

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Halloween Special: And This Year Too

Her body gave a small jerk in my hands and she leaned her head back suddenly, her eyes darting to the water first as if a sharpedo might be lurking out there. hasty to correct her misconceptions, i went on. "we're very close, like you said..."

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Archie, it's just basically some random sharkdude (not a sharpedo, just a fucking shark, and not even the correct coloring) banging some equally random surferdude... ...but i digress.

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 7: Rekindled

Every strike, dodge and parry he made was immediately followed up with another technique that he moved into as if he were a sharpedo streaming through the ocean in pursuit of his prey. as far as luke could tell, minato's swordplay was almost flawless.

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Started with a Rock (Giant Formating nightmare)

sharpedo. seriously? sharpedo!" kyn said, hanging up on that, and trying to get her assessment. she probably reacted totally opposite to what he would have thought.

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