In-Laws, Weddings and a Child?

Renka was a little surprised at her mother's sudden shift in mood but, couldn't blame her. considering what happened all those decades ago when she was still a little girl.

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The Missing Son, Chapter 10

He shouldn't have snapped at them like that, but he'd just been taken by surprised when they said they had two fathers, which meant they were... well, living in sin. he should go an apologize.

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Balls Touched

Vaporeon was close behind, surprised he'd cum before her. usually using something this big would get to her first. but his squeezing made it easy to catch up that small distance.

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Emotional Support Wolf

The guests started arriving at 3:00 for dinner at 4:30 at the Markin residence. His two oldest kids were there on time, Sara with her husband and John with his wife Bessy, plus their two young kids. The house felt alive in anticipation of Thanksgiving...

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A Different Kind of Training - Part 10

Yari looked surprised. "she's not the gym leader, right?" masu laughed, "she looks _way_too young to be one." nengan nodded.

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Week 8

Kevin says, surprised. he never imagined eric doing something like that in the house. "eric? having sex with two other guys?" "it's hard to swallow but it's true." "watch your phrasing!" "sorry." david pins his ears down.

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Wake Up Call

So it wasn't too big a surprise when, drowsy and mostly unconscious, i felt a nose worming it's way between my thighs just to take a long, wet lap across my sex, already moist with a ripe heat.

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Walking on Clouds

He pretty much knows everything i have, so it wouldn't really be that much of a surprise. fuck. i guess... i'm pretty much, out of luck, here.

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Misplaced by Type - Chapter 8: The things I Have to Face

She mentally talked to me, surprising me in the process. my body shook as i looked at her eyes, seeing the emotionless like look at me.

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Let's Get Steamy! - Week 5

Dani squeaked in surprise as he lifted her up, and the cat marveled at how light she was.

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What Was Broken [9]

Nevertheless he smiled at the memory, surprised at his own boldness in the night. sean slowly eased out from under the wolf's arm and slipped out of bed.

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A Pirate's Life for Me!

He asked dumbly, his brain addled with need and surprise. she turned those doe-eyes up to full wattage. "hungry." she had a very thick accent and obviously spoke little or no canine. nevertheless, he knew immediately she wasn't talking about food.

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