Gnoll Brigand: Prologue III

You people are too uptight." you slink off into the darkness before anyone else catches sight of you, rejoining taaru at the point your split apart from. he points off in another direction, and the two of you venture off.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 4.5 Bannihar and Myre A

The second voice, female as well, had the uptight formality of a myrenese priestess so she wasn't hard to pin down. "lady marion." jules noted, approaching from behind the priestess, "ms.

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A Fortunate Boy

I didn't have a lot of experience seeing other guys because our community was pretty uptight along those lines; strict upbringing and all that stuff. apparently i had more than some guys from her reaction. i suddenly felt better.           

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A new life...

"ya know if my wife wasn't such i uptight bitch... i'm take you to my place maybe let ya live above the garage." the big guard almost sounded like he was trying to talk rak'tharr into it. "anyway get dressed..."


Newfound Love Chapter 1 (Part 1)

I saw a picture of him of when he first started teaching, he looked so uptight and professional. there was also another picture next to it, a picture of him in fursuit as well as some other friends, at what looks like is a convention.

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Chapter 1: Bad Day at Work

The uptight red dragon always seemed to have a thing against ray, and he pretty much knew why.

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Damn it, I need this! Chapter 15

"i went on like that until one day, my girlfriend was complaining about how uptight her mom was. she went on for a week talking about how her mom really needed to loosen up or that she needed to get out more."

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R-Evolution: 04:Pack

"you think i'm uptight?" allen blushed invisibly beneath his fur. "well, yeah... i know that everything's moving very quickly.

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"i am uptight. i am logical. you wish i were different than that. you wish," she stated again, "that i had a different personality." a sigh. "i wish you to love me as i love you. without second thought. without analyzation.


Pawford, Ch 5: It's Just a Skin Flick

I have some old shirts you can sleep in if you're one of those uptight people that have a problem passing out in the buff." "i'm not uptight... i just don't want to be cold if i have to get up in the middle of the night." i countered.

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Gerald the Pet (M/M)

"ach wheesht i'm just joshin' ya, dinnae be sae uptight." "i dunno," charlie rubbed his friend, "his uptight's what makes him feel so good to fuck." "hah!"

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Its a deal

"he's uptight about fucking guys is all." the appaloosa snorted as he tried not to look embarrassed about being naked in front of the older bull. "not me tho'."

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