Puppy Mill Ch. 2

Now that was big news, but there was one thing that could distract a teenage boy from video games and justin had already made plans. possibly. "oh wow that's awesome, but i have to work today," he said.

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That sort of thing was probably inevitable, considering the effects of having the combined hormones of a teenaged male and a teenaged female running through her at the same time.

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Unspoken Boundaries; Chapter One

** this story pertrays several very graphic instances of zoophilia between a teenage boy and a male dog. zoophilia is the sexual and emotional attachment of a human being to an animal.

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Not A Chick Flick

"danny, i don't think i can do this..." said the lion in an average teen male voice. he was suddenly caught short of breath when he felt a pressure pushing at his insides.

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The Life and Times Of Soma Hikari: Chapter 4

Well honestly what teenage male's room isn't? she grinned at me as she put her paw on the doorknob. "it's a wreck isn't it?"

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The World Eater - Chapter 1: The Misguided Planet

Came the voice of a young, teenager male. "a new moon showed up in our sky." the voice seemed shaken as though reliving a nightmare. "at first, the priests called this a sign from the gods.


Rise to Ambition

The panther grabbed calvin's mom hair, forcing her to look down in front of the teen boy. "take her tonight. by my order, she will bare your children" with that, he lets her hair go and dismissed the others.


Jowee Loves Mari (Part 3)

This left the teenage male all alone in the house he spent his entire life in, without anyone around to help him deal with the changes in his body.

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The Wizards Victims

Her mind however was stuck here, in the wizards digital playground, a place where he could alter anything to conform to the shape of his sexual desires, even the shape of a teenaged male hackers digital body.

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Unspoken Boundaries; chapter two; Acceptance

This story pertrays several very graphic instances of zoophilia between a teenage boy and a male dog. zoophilia is the sexual and emotional attachment of a human being to an animal.

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Chapter 1 - The beginings of a changing life

+++ six months ago+++ an average teenage boy began to stir. it was a day just like the others. he awoke as usual and got up for school. he stood there in the dim morning light looking at himself in the mirror.

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How Easter Eggs Are Really Made

Considering you are like a living incubator for the eggs." a teenage boy asked.

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