Swordplay [Gift]

King Askia ducked again, felt the swing and cadence of the movement of his body, followed that momentum and brought it as best as he could into another form, footpaws kicking dry dust along the smooth granite into small whirlwinds that died as quickly...

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 14

_A long, sleek shape cut a hole in the starry night above, a dark shadow against a darker sky. A ship with a crew of ten thousand, each elites in their own right, keep the ship fully manned and maintained, each one of the thousand strategically placed...

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Er streckte seine arme nach vorne und sein anfängliches gemurmel schwoll zu einem leisen singsang an: „ab yul aretheus ann i dyad awt en yab na log a toc na awd taw may on umma dawn egg kyowl umma dawn egg kyowl."

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Even More Hypnoshorts

Oblivious Anna watched her friend's reaction over the rim of her martini glass. The wolf hid a smile as the skunk's eyes went wide. "Can I get you anything, ladies?" Jake asked. The horse stood dashingly at the door to the patio, a serving...

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 13

It felt as though they had never broken up. That's what this was supposed to be, Eli figured: as he started moving his most important things over to the fox's apartment - his computer, desk, and chair, a dresser for his clothes, a few other smaller...

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The Tribe - 12

I wrote this a week ago, but was waiting for SF to be back up! I hope you all enjoy this, I plan on getting chapter 13 out soon. Please let me know what you think! It means a lot to me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Food. Mako had never seen so much food in one...

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 12

_[Photo] Hey come put your tongue in this_ Eli glanced first to his left and then his right, making sure that none of the other employees were close enough to see, then double-tapped the picture and zoomed in on it. The drumming of the heavy rain...

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Double Filled Doggy

"Should've ditched the condoms a **long** fuckin' time ago, Mark...you feel **so** much better this way." Nia wasn't afraid to speak her mind on any platform, and in the bedroom, she took the gloves off with an extra layer of glee: she might have been...

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Mate Swap [Commission]

The visit started out simply enough, from a midday awakening to the drive out to the airport, then waiting there past the scheduled time, through a small panic during which the three-hour delay had been discovered, then more waiting. A brief detour to...

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A Little Bit More [Patreon Commission]

The wild dog shoved his paws into his pockets, pulling his jacket just a little bit tighter around himself. Cold tonight, colder than the forecast predicted - but then again, that should be expected what with the season fast changing. The official...

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Hard-Pressed [Trade]

Askia's eyes flicked open, and took a moment to focus on the ceiling fan spinning slowly overhead. He didn't recognize this place; the African wild dog sat up in the bed, the squeaking of the mattress causing his ears to flick, and looked around the...

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Day hike on the Hill

The sun was barely rising, yet already the place reminded Isiat of Borneo. The tropical jungle was thick and writhing with life. Humid and warm, the canopy trapped the sun's heat and made the entire atmosphere a challenge in its own right. Of...

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