The Family Jewels [3]

I hope that bonnet stays on... okay, baby stuff, baby stuff..._ michel finds his way to the baby supplies, looking over various things that he's sure he'll need.

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Rime of the Maternal Mariner

In ancient legend, it is said that all life was born from the sea. As beings of flesh and fur left for the land,the first mother; the goddess of the sea, mourned and called them back. Some of the original beings heeded, seal, otter, and their like...

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The Clutch

Thunder crackled off in the distance, a brilliant arch of light wove across the sky before landing on a nearby mountain peak with a resounding bang. He looked up at the foreboding sky as dark tumultuous clouds stretched out into the horizon. As other...

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Eggceptional Get Away: Leif

They weren't some dumb baby and they couldn't stand the way these people were acting. right now leif was pretty sure they were the smartest person in this room.

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Level Down!

They had come all the way here, been turned into babies, and fought monsters, for this! "squeak!" arzure on the other hand seemed quite excited by the treasure.

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Event! She's the Reason for the Season

"but you insisted i still do the shoot, kept saying that baby bumps are really hot right now." "oh shit, you're right. we never updated to your new, umm, measurements. oh shoot, what do we do? anyone got any lard!"

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Age Regression

He hated baths, it was uncomfortable to get all his fuzzy baby fur wet and was even more uncomfortable to be dried off. the only thing that made it bearable was the bubbles.

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Good Morning Baby

"do a good job baby girl else your not getting your diaper changed" she said as she lovered herself down till she rested on the snow leopards muzzle.

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Invane: out of Baby

"we are expecting a baby!" "you are a father!" exclaimed horizoki who rushed up to me and stretched his arms out wide. hugging me very tightly for some reason.

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Two Baby Mama

Two baby mama's lloyd exhaled, groaning as he rubbed his left shoulder, before adjusting the heavy laptop bag running across his chest, stretching his neck soon after, as the strain of hours of studying at the library had ruined him, and stiffened his joints

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