The Friendly City

She feared he was bipolar, but she knew he'd only go to a doctor ... kicking and screaming (or not; that wasn't his style; but he would put up some kind of fight ... he was terrified of doctors, and she didn't know why).

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Where Minds Lay: Visions of Forthcoming

He growls it over my face like a discouraged bipolar grocery shopper, strings of his slobber descending over me like poisonous spiders. my head turns to flee from the nasty dribbles, eyes wet and watchful of his reactions out of their corners.

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Main Course

Wanted to make him more sympathetic, not a bipolar psycopath. again, continuity changes as well. grammar and typos have hopefully all been fixed, but i'd wager i have a few left in there.

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To Touch The Sky Chapter 3: A Passing Thought

He hadn't been getting his meds, his brother was too cheap for that, so his bipolar condition had been getting worse, but now...maybe he didn't need to die, maybe there was still hope out there.

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Set Engines To Dull Stop

...or maybe he was just mad in general, bipolar or something weird, charlie sheen grade weird, or maybe he just enjoyed putting up a good show, just to torment his brother a little bit more about his preference to getting it on with dudes and not with

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Preview - Tritonia's Secret

But i do know he was an electrical engineer from armenia who was bipolar and got fucked over by a seedy startup." "you promise you won't eat me if i open the door?" he asked. i sighed and then said, "i promise."

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Samel's Summer 8: Walk Around the Park

"when i was a kid a doctor reckoned i might be a little bipolar. that's about all anyone's ever said on it, never tried to get diagnosed, never cared to. i am what i am and i don't need a label to help me make sense of it." "i see."

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"she acts like she's bipolar. for halloween, i told her to go as a compass." "heh ... " more family furs filtering in. for cookies and punch, and all that warm, indoor chatter filling the air (and, oh, filling ears).

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Shadow Part 1

"she was bipolar." she stopped breathing. "didn't know that, huh?" i leaned forward a bit. the barrel of her .38 was poking my chest now. "check her cabinets. you'll find a prescription of lithium there." i pushed her gun to the side.

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Confusion part 5

"well if he goes and shoves you like that again i'll throw his bipolar ass in to the damn fountain." "david i thought you didn't like to fight." "i don't but if some one i love gets hurt i won't stand by and just watch." "aww."

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A Day To Remember Chapter 4 (Sample)

._ _"he bipolar or something?"_ _if i hear that shit again, the guy who says it might not have a neck to hold himself up. don't act like you know. don't you fucking dare.

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The Where Bear-or- A Lesson In Hunting

The chilled access of the spring in the illusionary swamp of japoggo lacks the minerals that induce the thoughts of swimming inside the mind of a bipolar grape vine in the providence of ontario in the state of alaska with a time machine on sale for three dollars

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