I'm a Big Boy Part 1

Schaffer gestured to the back wall, where all the cubs' caretakers stood waiting. the cubs stood up and walked over to their caretakers. seth calmly walked over to his daddy, but mrs. schaffer beat him there. "michael?

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Maxim and Marrianne

Being the family's prized caretaker and the only servant to live on the grounds, her room was extravagant.

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A Dragon's Day at Preschool

The sky giving off a nice orange hue along with its usual blue, the birds started to sing their morning song, and most of all, cubs, caretakers and others were preparing for their day.

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Nisha's Adult Baby Experiment PART 1 [COMMISSION]

"i'm caretaker ai, the next generation baby human entertainer and caretaker." it continued. "and what is your name?" "none of your business. let me go!"

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Digital Inheritance

It started with the larger and more muscular digimon putting on "shows" for the caretakers, sensually dancing and gyrating their bodies. after successfully getting them in the mood, the others moved in to truly repay their caretakers.

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Thorough Testing

Perhaps k5 had expected her first commands from a caretaker to be along the lines of combat. never did she expect to use her mouth for servicing hismalehood.

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Warm Hearts, Padded Playdates: Chapter 3

Dinner continued as normal, the two caretakers eating their own plates of food while gradually feeding their littles as well, though apollo only seemed to grow more flirtatious as time went on, clearly getting impatient.

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Welcome to Otterbont

I've been caretaking here for 172 years and you've never wondered why? or why i didn't age, or die or change?" nathaniel slumped in the iron grip of the caretaker. "i...i..."

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Chapter 7: The Speedz

Here was this beautiful goddess of a skunk girl, who was introduced to be his caretaker's daughter. he wondered what his caretaker looked like. that puzzle would soon be solved, as another skunk appeared in the doorway.

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Sparks will Fly

They tried flexing their fingers a few times in the mittens before hearing two quick clicks as they were locked on, whimpering needily towards their caretaker.

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Wolf in a Different World: Prologue

Just under a year ago, the head caretaker, an older feline woman whom the kids all loved and were always willing to help when she needed it, passed away.

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Witch Blood - 07

Slowly the caretaker unbuttoned her blouse more completely and let her patient's eyes focus on a much older version of the same brand. "they can't seal all of you away."

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