Hidden in Blue

Osiris had psychically forced sekhmet to pass out, turning her back to normal, and poseidon had knocked off circe's magical tiara and freed the once possessed lioness from the sorcerers' spirit.

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Origin of the FinalGamer 1 - Collision With Fate

The circe project, beginning in 2102 ad/ce, was both. very few records remain of how, what or even why such an event transpired within laboratories in iceland. records were lost, factions remember different parts from others.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Sweet, Mouthfeel

Posted using postybirb **hypnovember 2023** **prompts: 17.sweet, 21.mouthfeel ** **for circ** **by limewah** as he entered the inn, the thing that struck celsius the most was the smell of the place.

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The Misadventures of Professor Lassavante Vol 1 - Winds Light To Moderate

But given her maternal heritage, who knew what would happen if i wasn't going to cater to my little circe's every whim?

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Amber's 69 First Dates - Midnight Friends

circe was far behind, and now they were walking amongst jagged outcroppings of townhomes and subdivisions named after the trees that had been cut down. "who do you think sent it?"

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Five White Feathers (Second Eternity - Eps 9)

After dinner, sallee and circe talked about sallee's tv segment that she intended to do and circe seemed all too eager to help!

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Five

My colleagues hermes and circe will demonstrate:" ned had a horrible feeling of what was going to happen, something that all the people at the gala did not need to see, but he could do nothing, only watch as on the screen, a gun fired and the jaguar's

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Amber - Part 9 - Child Of The City

There were more people just on this city block than there were in all of circe high, and if you counted the nine blocks around them, probably all of circe itself.

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"circe and i both regard dominic like that, as well. we need him, too. come, then. we'll teleport to the lutraon kingdom and ask someone where dominic is staying."

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 6

Our car accelerated and joined a circ-train at the back. then the car divided from our train and joined a different train. i switched cars five minutes later. and finally i got out at a station near zutraas's building.

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Finding a New Self, Chapter 3: Urgency

"under the circs, yeah." she held me to her for i don't know how long. jim cleaned himself, closed up his pants, and coughed. "so. i can't really leave you here, and i do have somewhere to go kind of soonish. so if you could wrap it up?"

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They were getting low though; have to send to circe for some more. "sorry mister, he said, my boy's got the handset with him, but he's bringing it right now. i made up some iced tea for us; it's a real scorcher today."

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