Pokemon Arceus - Frenzy of the Dialga [Commission]

Pokemon all over the sinnoh were going into a frenzy because of the distortions. and alas, you were no different, even as a legendary one. lust.

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Chapter 8

"seems the distortion... was a little distorted. now, this system that i'll be putting into place... will probably fix that." kyn said, referring to the dimensional portal project.

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Clash of titans

Only distorted heavy noises gave way to what was happening. his body was not responding his commands. his mind still drunk with sleep he tried to discern what was going on.

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Nightmare Borne of Blood

The man's voice became increasingly distorted. "blood" was the last word the malamute heard before the room began distorting as well. steele booked it out of there though an opening he suddenly noticed.

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 18

"this distorts and destroys any magic that hits it, rendering it mostly harmless to those on the other side." he said to me before motioning to me. "now you try."

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 35

There's no glare off the surface of glass, and no distortion. wait! i can still read the sign on the store front that is behind me! it isn't reversed!" sarina said.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 2

Both are only inches apart: fist/paws clenched, teeth grit, both breathing heavy even though neither has moved a muscle in several minutes, distortions rippling the space around them with unseen power.

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Parallel Universe: Ch 10

"so anyways, those distortion also take a more physical form. we call those forms fiends. and if left alone, it could tear the entire existance in this dimension.

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Project Dragon-X Chapter 1

Again the man seemed nonchalant about the events going on around him, until henning noticed the distortion in the sky behind the man...

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Penchant: CH 5: And Now For Something Completely Different

He also dabbled with a few of ike's memories taking the /very/ few that would make him homesick and dulled them down a little just like putting a piece of textured glass to distort and obscure a view.

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 11 | Chip & Inari

"this is the realm between, the distortion world holds little influence here."_ _ _ _"oh..." chip and inari look at each other.

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 10 | Meadow

Necromza didn't get such treatment as they banished him to the distortion world or as some know it as the reverse world to rot for the rest of eternity.

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