Chapter 1 - Shattered
"you are commander of our flagship, so far the valkyrie has been the only ship that has survived an encounter with an asgard vessel. you cannot withhold information..." "i understand that sir... but" "we are at war commander!"
Chapter 1: The Future Was Not Easy
This golden age of friendship and peace led to the drafting of what became known as the flagship of the alliance: endeavor, a ship that, combined with all three's technology, was nothing short of a military masterpiece.
We Stand By Him
And he stands with us--he strides across the long barrel of his flagship tank, catwalk strut into the battle zone. he is wearing a pink pleated skirt designed to get caught on the wind and ripple to give hell to tantalus.
Star Hopper Chapter 3
He almost choked because he had actually known the flagship commander and his name was commander ashtin, he was the son of the commander.
Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 1 - The Love of his Life
After four years active duty the ship had retained it's flagship status. that year, more than a century ago, was the recorded first-contact with the people of earth.
Empty Nest
On the flagship? they started out like this. our same ranks. on a ship." "and?" "well, it's happening all over ... mouses and snow rabbits." "is that so? and this is a documented phenomenon?"
Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 1
And apparently the flagship karenthis was in the region and may potentially stop by terra. hmm. if he could get any work in the mix zone, he might have a chance to see some kathari if they got shore leave.
Dark Lord Substitute 7
There were slaves that were being controlled, possibly only staying dormant and docile because of the presence of the big indoctrination station that was essentially the flagship of the entire fleet.
Dark Lord Substitute 3
Rather than a super-capital ship, this one had a flagship that looked like a black diamond, one that spun around a central axis.
The Nature of Warfare
The super-battleships which serve as the flagships of the takomenian navies are even more insulated from harm and the indications of incoming and outgoing fire due to their size and importance, and the wesitarian flagship's crew would barely feel a low-yield
Lilika Trisain - Chapter 1 - The Goblin Balloon Brigade
Lilika sighed and pointed to the flagship. "thank you! wait for me!" he called out as he ran towards the ship. lilika sighed, before jerking her head upright as she felt something tug on her tail.
Chapter 5 - Deception
He was proud that he been able to command the flagship of the asgard fleet. the tigris was an ancient battleship that had been discovered inside raven's nest shipyard orbiting terra.