Chewy: Leon's Dream Pt.3

Razz screamed a war cry as we slashed through the surprisingly renewed bodies of the fallen evil: adolf hitler was a robot, joseph kony was a hot dog (with no mustard), and ben latten was a jehovah witness!

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Soul Stalkers - 08

"like ... fucking hitler?" tammy asked as she heard the name again. the big black man nodded and tammy nodded with him. "fine ... adolf showed me who i really was. i love being this way and i'm not going back. i'm sure you know what i mean."

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Axel & Rena Part 22 By: Renatamer

"what was that about hitler?"** **"nothing for you to worry about, that world no longer exists..."** **"did you destroy it?"** **"yes."** **"oh... so just how many alternate realities are there?"


Those Who Forgot To Die - Part 7

He dreamt that he was standing in berlin, and he had just killed schmidt, and adolph hitler himself was being gang-raped by every man that wanted some. the dream gave zeke the added boost he needed. he longed to see hitler dead.

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The Seeker, Chapter 7

The pirate came over and thumped me on the back and i spit the cookie across the room and it hit the framed photo of hitler, and hitler yelled and said "das was die holle!" "arrr, matey, be ye ok?" the pirate asked.

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Weapon – Transparent

You are now responsible for more murders than adolph hitler." "are you done?" i asked, and at his nod, continued.


NAS characters.txt

Tropes: captain erzatz - stalin, mao, hitler, modeled on every well-known dictator.

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Ball-Shaped Objects - Greetings

"you know, the land of the furs who kicked that little known guy called hitler out of this joint? coca cola? elvis presley?" "we don't talk about him," the red panda replied curtly, "it doesn't look good on tourist brochures." "ha!"

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05 Destracted

Heh, you can give me a hand if you promise not to carve a bunch of dicks or a hitler 'stache on me."  he laughed as he ate through his salad.  "unless you want java code scratched into you face for a few weeks, you don't want me near your beak."

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Four

That was like saying hitler had come asking to borrow a cup of sugar. i didn't want to believe it, i wanted to think that i'd misheard stark, but the serious-as-the-grave look on his face told me i had heard him loud and clear.

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